Thursday, October 22, 2015

THEY LIED! Obama Admin Tried to Tie Benghazi Attack to PASTOR’S VIDEO Before They Settled on 2nd VIDEO

Before the body of Ambassador Chris Stevens was recovered the Obama administration was scheming to deceive the American public about the Benghazi attacks
THEY LIED! Obama Admin Tried to Tie Benghazi Attack to PASTOR’S VIDEO Before They Settled on 2nd VIDEO
by Gateway Pundit | Jim Hoft | October 22, 2015
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton plotted to blame the Benghazi terrorist attack on the “God versus Allah”video by Pastor Jon Courson before they settled on the “Innocence of Muslims” YouTube video.
Before the body of Ambassador Chris Stevens was recovered the Obama administration was scheming to deceive the American public about the Benghazi attacks.
The lifeless body of Ambassador Stevens was later dragged from the Benghazi US consulate after it came under attack by Muslim extremists on September 11, 2012.
The next morning Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton released a statement on the Benghazi attack – blaming the attack on an anti-Muslim video.
While they were plotting an enormous lie on the public former Navy SEAL David Ubben was still trapped on the roof of the Benghazi annex for 20 hours.
They took their lie a step further and made an online video for the US Embassy in Pakistan saying that the attack was based on an anti-Muslim video.

The Obama administration later jailed Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the man behind the “Innocense of Muslims”film.
Nakoula was the only man captured and imprisoned in the aftermath of the organized Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack.
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But before they blamed “Innocence of Muslims” and jailed its director the Obama administration was going to blame the 9-11 massacre on “God Vs Allah” by Pastor Jon Courson.
Here is that video – It was not pulled by YouTube:

Judicial Watch has more.
World Net Daily reported:

One of the first moves the Obama administration made after the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. special mission at Benghazi, Libya, was to contact YouTube in an apparent attempt to blame the attack on an obscure “Pastor Jon” video, according to State Department documents obtained in a lawsuit by the Washington, D.C. watchdog Judicial Watch. Later, the administration famously claimed the attack was provoked by another YouTube video, “Innocence of Muslims,” by Egyptian-born filmmaker Nakoula “Mark” Basseley Nakoula… …Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said the latest release of documents “show the Obama White House rushed to tie yet another video to the Benghazi attack, even before Ambassador Stevens was accounted for.”
“The Obama White House, evidently, was confused as to which Internet video to falsely blame for the Benghazi terrorist attack,” said Fitton. “These documents show that the Obama White House should have been focused on rescuing our people under fire.” He said the documents “detail delays and lack of support that raise questions about whether American lives were needlessly lost and put at risk during the Benghazi attack.” ust three hours after the initial attack on U.S. personnel in Benghazi, a memo said the White House was “reaching out to U-Tube to advise ramifications of posting of the Pastor Jon video.” Judicial Watch said the “Pastor Jon” reference might have been to a rarely viewed video by Oregon-based Pastor Jon Courson titled “God vs. Allah,” an exposition of the biblical book of Kings.