This country is on the wagon trail to extinction – because of the Federal Reserve. It is clear that the Fed’s destruction of the nation’s true middle class and small businesses is deliberate.
Submitted by IWB, on October 21st, 2015
The Greatest Central Banking Con Job in History…
One of the greatest con jobs in history was convincing ordinary people that Central Bankers care about the “economy” or Main Street.Aside from the complete lack of relevance that Main Street has for Central Bankers from a professional perspective (more on this in a moment), when do you think was the last time that Janet Yellen or her ilk spent an evening with non-banker/financial types? Years ago? Decades ago?
The Social Security Administration has announced that for the third time in six years there will beno COLA because there is no inflation. Yet ShadowStats Alternate Consumer Inflation measure reports that September Annual Inflation is 7.6% when the gimmicked CPI is reversed back to the official CPI reporting methodologies of 1980.
The New American reports:
“There was no COLA in 2010 or 2011, thanks to the government index used to determine whether an “adjustment” (increase) was justified, to offset inflation. This year’s culprit was the price of gasoline, which fell 23 percent, wiping out any chance for an increase in the checks going to more than 60 million recipients.
“According to the Senior Citizens League, those recipients have lost nearly a fourth of their buying power over the last 15 years, thanks to the rising cost of housing and medical expenses. Since 2000, housing costs for seniors have increased by 44 percent, heating oil by 159 percent, eggs by 117 percent, and gasoline by 76 percent. Since then, however, Social Security’s COLAs have averaged just 2.2 percent per year.”
This country is on the wagon trail to extinction – because of the Federal Reserve. It is clear that the Fed’s destruction of the nation’s true middle class and small businesses is deliberate.
It must be said that these owners of the Fed are operating on a philosophy that has destroyed societies and countries on several continents over the past two and half centuries. It is a philosophy of financial tyranny and national money debt whereby the bankers surrender nothing at all and which it is physically impossible for the nation ever to repay; whereby financiers work with government officials to, first, enable the leaders to achieve their personal goals and, then, begin to gain control over those officials.
It is a way in which “thin-air” banking controls governments and societies for its own benefit.
It happened in the monarchies in Europe, it happened in Russia beginning in 1917, it happened in England, it happened in South Africa and Rhodesia and the Balkans, it is happening in occupied Palestine and parts of the Middle East and, now, it has happened here.
From its inception on this continent in 1913, the owners of the Federal Reserve began to overtake presidential administrations, starting with the Woodrow Wilson administration. It only deepened with the financing of world wars and domestic policy and with the elections and monetary support of favored congressmen, helping to keep in office those who delivered the payoff largesse to Fed lobbyists and their selected enablers.
It has now culminated in the current administration – led by a leader elected by mob rule, much of that mob having been and now being imported for that purpose.
Surely the events during this government slowdown demonstrate the raw power and the arrogance that these tyrants have turned against the American people, punishing them by redistributing and devaluing their wealth for the bankers’ own personal gain, stripping them of the land and prosperity that was to be their children’s inheritance.
First, the Fed merely operated parasitically, taking an increasing share of America’s industry, commerce and labor; but in recent decades its parasitic operations have turned into a complete dictatorship, into a supranational power, controlling all major branches of government and the media, until America has found herself impoverished in the midst of her land of plenty.
Where is the next step?
With the appointment of Janet Yellen, following the trail of Greenspan and Bernanke as superintendent of the international banking families’ will, it is past time to identify the root of this systematic exploitation that is conquering a nation, and strip it of its power to monopolize national social credit and thus control the basic activities of all American life.
If it is anti-Semitic to say that not only are these primary owners of the Fed Jewish, but that they are following the historic government approach of 2000 years of Jewish philosophy, namely Bolshevism and its total control of virtually all publications, the Press and broadcasts to prevent the truth regarding its enslavement of peoples, then so be it.
If America cannot stop the abuse of this present economic system that has created the gravest economic crisis ever to envelop the world by ending the Federal Reserve system, then who?
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