Travelers in San Diego Offset Fees With Carbon Credits

Now, comes something that hopes to have a positive impact on both those climate changers. It’s been launched by the San Diego International Airport, and it’s called the Good Traveler program.
The goal of the nonprofit pilot project is to encourage sustainable travel by allowing passengers to curb the environmental impact of their journeys.
Paul Manasjan is with the San Diego County Airport Authority. He said the program is designed to offset the carbon footprint created by air travel.
“For one dollar you can purchase a Good Traveler tag, which will offset 500 air miles or 200 road miles of emissions from your travel,” he said.
The stickers are currently sold at Ryan Brothers Coffee, which has a coffee shop in each of Lindbergh’s terminals.
The money, Manasjan said, will go to carbon offset programs such as a reforestation project in Northern California, wind farms and a Colorado River Delta restoration project.
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