Thursday, December 10, 2015

InfoWars article on Sandy Hook book ban scrubbed – even from Google cache 31

From Fellowship of the Minds

InfoWars Article SCRUBBED (Sandy Hook Coverup)?

By “Barry Soetoro, Esq”
After 1 month of strong sales, Amazon suddenly banned the new book, Nobody Died At Sandy Hook. The book was pulled from, then deleted from customers’ Kindles.
After Amazon pulled the book, Alex Jones’ InfoWars noticed – and published this article exposing Amazon’s book ban. Here’s a screenshot of the article:
InfoWars article on Amazon ban of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook

To draw attention to their article, InfoWars tweeted a link:
InfoWars tweet on Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
But within hours after that article was published, InfoWars suddenly deleted it from the Web. The InfoWars article simply vanished – without explanation.
This left onlookers wondering who removed the InfoWars article – and why.
Fortunately, some web services save copies of material. Thus, the deleted InfoWars article was recovered – in its entirety – from a copy stored by Google Cache:
InfoWars on Amzon book ban in cacheInfoWars on Amazon book ban in cache1InfoWars on Amazon book ban in cache2
As folks reacted to this curious censorship (by Amazon; then by InfoWars), the Google Cache copy of the InfoWars article was suddenly deleted as well – replaced with this “404 Error” message.
Here is a screenshot of the deleted InfoWars article, “Sandy Hook Truth Book Banned By Amazon,” at Google Cache prior to deletion (Meme text added):
Google cache of scrubbed InfoWars article on amazon book banning
So, we have:
  1. Amazon banning Nobody Died at Sandy Hook while continuing to sell 19 other Sandy Hook books.
  2. InfoWars writing and publishing an article about Amazon’s banning of that book.
  3. InfoWars suddenly deleting their own article the same day it was published.
  4. InfoWars (or some other party) asking Google Cache to remove all traces of the deleted InfoWars article by scrubbing the cached version from Google servers.
All that effort makes no sense – unless the government is hiding something. Why ban the book to begin with? Why delete the InfoWar’s article about the book ban? Further, why scrub the article from even the cache, so that there is no longer even a trace of the article on the Web?
The State Police Photo
Was InfoWars ordered to delete their article because it includes this picture credited to the Connecticut State Police – showing police preparations at Sandy Hook Elementary School BEFORE the alleged massacre happened?
CT state police relaxing at Sandy Hook school
Look at that photo: that’s not how folks behave at a “school massacre” where 27 people lay dead in pools of blood. Why is CT Chief Medical Examiner Wayne Carver casually lounging outside the school, while 20 kids presumably lay inside, freshly murdered? Why is everyone relaxed like they’re enjoying a break on a movie set?
Indeed, some believe the CT State Police photograph was taken during preparations – before any windows were broken – the day before the hoax “went live.”
That same photo — and more — is in the banned book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook.
InfoWars nobly trumpets that “there’s a war on for our mind” but InfoWars is fighting that war on our behalf. So why, then, has InfoWars joined the nationwide blackout on Amazon’s banning of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook?
Even the FBI agrees that nobody died at Sandy Hook – since the FBI’s own crime report shows “ZERO” murders in Newtown CT during 2012:
FBI 2012 crime stats1
Why Censor The Book?
If Nobody Died at Sandy Hook is “nonsense,” why doesn’t the Regime simply ignore it? Why get the book removed from Amazon (and Barnes & Noble); get an article about the censorship taken down from InfoWars; and then SCRUB the already-removed InfoWars article from Google cache?
The answer is clear: Nobody Died at Sandy Hook is “over the target,” and that’s why it must be taken down. Sandy Hook, the “biggest school shooting in US history,” was a carefully planned hoax to steal your guns, take your freedom, and terrorize your children.
Eric Holder even announced his plan to subvert the US Constitution on CSPAN (video) – by “Brainwashing people” against guns.
The Sandy Hook “shooting” hoax is that treason, foisted on unsuspecting Americans.
To overcome this Amazon/InfoWars censorship, the banned book has been made available as a free PDF: Nobody Died At Sandy Hook.
If you haven’t seen a documentary on the Sandy Hook hoax that repeatedly was taken down from YouTube, watch it now: We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook.
Also see these interviews with James Fetzer (co-editor of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook):
[VIDEO] James Fetzer Interview: Sandy Hook (AMAZON) book ban
[VIDEO] Amazon & Infowars Censor Sandy Hook BOOK!
Barry Soetoro, Esq is the pen-name of a syndicated columnist focused on Fake Shootings and State Terror. Recently, Barry explored the Newtown CT “massacre” and the background of “Barack Hussein Obama.”

For all the posts FOTM has published on the Sandy Hook hoax, click here.
To read/download the banned book in PDF format, click here: NobodyDiedAtSandyHook.
If you want a hard copy (sure to be a collector’s item!), Fetzer found an alternative printer/distributor for Nobody Died at Sandy Hook — Moon Rock Books. Click here. Check it out and let others know. The pdf will remain available to the public for free.