Monday, December 7, 2015

San Bernardino Shooting Updates: 2nd Witness “3 White Male Shooters”, Lawyer Baffled at Absurd Story

Sunday, December 6, 2015 5:22
  by Scott Creighton
There have been a couple new developments in the case of the San Bernardino shooting. Some reader of the website have left us some useful information and we should keep track of it before it disappears down the memory hole.
Take note: in the last video, the CNN interview with lawyer David Chelsey, the “reporter” conducting the interview becomes visibly upset when David explains some very real issues with the official story. The “reporter” then says that one of the officers reported exchanging gunfire with the suspects as they drove to the location where the truck was shot-up and that “proves” the official story is correct. He practically yelled that at him (as you will see on their website)
“Cus you know, the officer(s?) say they took fire from this SUV, the people in the SUV were him and her, that’s kind of the end of the analysis of possibilities” Chris Cuomo
Think about what Chris is saying: because one cop(s?) SAID they fired at him, we MUST believe the story in spite of the glaring contradictions developing around it.
Just keep this in mind:
  1. Police Claims About Laquan McDonald Differ Dramatically From Video
  2. New York Police Officer Is Convicted of Lying About Photographer’s Arrest
  3. 5 Mass. police officer will face charges after allegedly lying …
  4. Alabama Police Officer Breaks Down on Stand, Admits to lying…
  5. Commerce City police officer Kevin Lord arrested for lying …
  6. Police Officer Fired For Racial Bias After Falsely Claiming …
In the case of the Mass. officer, the guy made up a story: “A part-time Massachusetts police officer accused of concocting a story about a shootout with a gunman before his cruiser crashed into a tree“
He lied about a shoot-out. Made up the whole story. And that was just recently.
How many other cases of officers lying have been in the press in the last few years?That little list I put up there was just a fraction of the recent cases that have been taken to court. God only knows how many never got that far or were never discovered.
News flash for CNN “reporter” Chris Cuomo: Cops… lie.
And this reporter says we have to ignore all the obvious problems with this story because a cop SAYS she fired at him from the back of the SUV?
1. Witness, Juan Hernandez, channel 41 NBC:
Juan describes seeing “3 white male shooters” in tactical gear leaving the scene of the shooting and getting into the black SUV. His statement matches what another witness, Sally Abdelmageed, told CBS. The video of his statement is below followed by a transcript of her statement and a video of that as well.
Juan Hernandez (posted on Youtube by channel 41 NBC on Dec. 2, 2015, the day of the shooting. It has only been viewed 243 times so far. Let’s see if we can help change that.)
2. Witness, Sally Abdelmageed, CBS interview:
“three men, dressed in all black, military attire with vests on holding assault rifles and one of them opened up the door to building three… and he… opens up the door to building three and … he… starts to spray, shoot all over into the room… I couldn’t see a face, he had a black hat on (mask) and uh, from my view all I could see was a black hat (mask) and long sleeve shirt… black cargo pants with zippers on the sides, big puffy pockets, he had a huge assault rifle and extra ammo… I just saw three dressed exactly the same…. their skin tone looked white. They looked like they were athletic build. They appeared to be tall” Sally Abdelmageed

Video posted by CBS, also on the day of the shooting.
3. Lawyer, David Chelsey, CNN interview (write-up from the Guardian):
“In an interview with CNN, attorney David Chelsey said:
There are a lot of disconnects and there are a lot of unknowns and there are a lot of things that quite frankly don’t add up, or seem implausible.
Speaking about the female suspect, Tashfeen Malik, 27, the attorney said:
She was never involved in shooting, she’s probably 90lbs so it’s unlikely she could even carry a weapon or wear some sort of a vest or do any of this.
Addressing some early accounts of the scene, he said:
Where the couple was found, from what I understand, that they were handcuffed lying facedown in this truck shot up. There’s a lot of things that just don’t make sense.
With regards to the male suspect, Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, the family’s lawyer said he had never shown any suspicious behaviour. He said:
No one has ever seen Syed with any of the things – with some of the things they found on the scene, they haven’t seen him with them. The pipe bombs for example. No one had ever seen him use or have anything like that and it just doesn’t make sense for these two to be able to act like some kind of Bonnie and Clyde or something. It’s just ridiculous. It doesn’t add up – the military skills to carry out something like this, really, frankly.
He later added:
I’m just telling you straight up it doesn’t add up. It doesn’t make sense. If somebody had military training or something, yes, but here was none of that and this person was not aggressive. We sat with the FBI for three hours and they tried to identify some of the characteristics or some affiliations that he might have had, or could have led to him acting this way and they couldn’t find anything. They were totally stumped, totally frustrated.
(end transcript)
The patsy suspect had never been seen with pipe bombs. That is true. They have also never seen him with tactical gear or those assault rifles or the boxes and boxes of ammo, if his landlord and family are to be believed. For that matter, they also never saw him with that rented SUV. He had his own car.
I myself wrote a few days ago that the diminutive stature of the female patsy suspect would have stood out in witness statements. She was practically a hobbit and the lawyer mentions the fact that she was less than 90 pounds.
There is no way she could have been mistaken for a tall, athletic man by two witnesses. That’s too say nothing of the fact that it would have been nearly impossible for her to handle a military grade assault weapon in the first place.
Here is the video of the interview.

It should be noted that Chris Cuomo is a lawyer and he certainly understands that cops will lie on occasion. He is also the son of former New York Governor Mario Cuomo and the brother of current New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. So lying is in his DNA as well.
4. Press conference with the two lawyers
Here the lawyers answer questions.