Saturday, December 5, 2015

San Bernardino Shooting – When Propaganda Becomes a Media Three Ring Circus Freak Show

‎Today, ‎December ‎5, ‎2015, ‏‎3 hours ago | willylomanGo to full article

by Scott Creighton
A number of things in this case don’t make sense,” Mr. Comey said. New York Times

Well, he got that much right.
So now the story is, while the miniature little woman, described by a witness as a “tall athletic white man“, was running around shooting up the place in San Bernardino, she was also busy contacting ISIS™ pledging her undying loyalty to the fictitious group on some CIA operated Facebook page somewhere.
“The woman, Tashfeen Malik, declared allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook at roughly the time of the shooting on Wednesday, according to a Facebook spokesman.” New York Times
The day after the Dec. 2nd shooting, I wrote that it wouldn’t take long to use her connection with this event to link it up with ISIS™… and here we are.
She is from Saudi Arabia. Both are Muslim. They traveled there recently. I am sure that will be the ISIS™ tie-in they need so desperately.
I guess they decided to spare Saudi Arabia the indignation and used the CIA’s Facebook instead. Pay very careful attention to what they say. Talk about a media circus side show:
One startling disclosure came from social media network Facebook, which confirmed that comments praising Islamic State were posted around the time of the mass shooting to a Facebook account established under an alias by Malik. However, it was uncertain whether the comments were posted by Malik herself or someone with access to her page.
A Facebook Inc spokesman said the profile in question was removed by the company on Thursday for violating its community standards barring promotion or praise for “acts of terror.” He declined to elaborate on the material.
But CNN and other news media outlets reported that Malik’s Facebook posts included a pledge of allegiance to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Reuters
Ok. Let me see if I got this right. On FRIDAY a CIA-linked Facebook spokesman came out and said on WEDNESDAY this woman (or possibly SOMEONE ELSE) was posting stuff UNDER A DIFFERENT NAME while she was (WEARING A MASK) shooting up some location and the account was ERASED ON THURSDAY so no one can confirm it and certainly they can’t confirm the legitimacy as to whether or not it was actually her…
And CNN, the New York Times and other “respectable” news outlets ran with the story AS IF it were the gospel truth?
hahahahaha…. god damn. It’s not a media circus sideshow, it’s a media freak show. A three ring circus freak show.

Talk about wrapping it up with a neat little bow. Let’s review:
  • Comprehensive immigration reform – since she was here on a green card, legally
  • Mental Hygiene laws grabbing gun rights from “certain” folks
  • “assault” weapons and high capacity clips bans
  • ISIS™ tie-in for the Global War OF Terror
  • Impose restrictions on internet in order to prevent “radicalization”
There you go. It’s all there. As long as you don’t look too closely, it’s a great op, isn’t it?
Now, to further exemplify the media freak show aspect of all of this, I present Mockingbird asset Anderson Cooper as he watches in pretend horror as his own company, CNN, and others rummage through the home and the personal property of the recently deceased patsies suspects looking for something they can put on TV so they can sell ads for deodorant at higher prices.
This one you have too see to believe. I can’t even begin to explain it.

These ghouls were allowed, not only by law enforcement, but also by their producers and management at their various networks, to rush into the apartment and start rooting around through the personal possessions of the “suspects”. I mean, why were they there, lined up at the door, in the first place? Why did the landlord unlock the door?
Of course it was staged. But why?
Law enforcement, or should I say “the FBI”, claims they have evidence that the couple were planning the attack. And their “evidence” so far consists of two crushed cell phones found in a “nearby” trash can.
They also say the couple “recently” erased some emails. That proves it, right?
On top of that, they found some computers which means in time, once the writers are done compiling all the necessary policy agendas, they will produce the now standard “manifesto” from the couple and of course a ‘digital library” of just the sorts of web addresses and online publications that they will need to shutter to keep us all from being radicalized in the very near future a la that fake bin Laden raid from way back when.
Or maybe they wont find it but some Mockingbird “reporter” from CNN will disclose how he “found” a flash drive hidden under the toilet or something equally believable and the “manifesto” will be on that.
Who knows.
I have too say, over the course of the 8+ years of doing this shit, this event is perhaps the most ridiculous thing I have seen them stage… ever.
If they would have won an Oscar for the Boston Bombing, they would certainly deserve a Razzie for this one.
It’s absurd. Witnesses are ignored. No one wonders how they were able to escape the scene without even being chased. The new mother deciding to go postal on the family friends from his job. The assault rifles belonging to “someone else” and no one gives a shit who that might be. The third shooter vanishes. A third suspect is arrested and released after “fleeing the scene”. A active shooter drill taking place at the same time nearby. Tiny brown women being mistaken for tall athletic white men. A Facebook post, erased, could be someone else is now certainly hers. Reporters ransacking a crime scene as if they were sent there to befoul it on purpose.
It’s a freak show. I don’t know how else to describe it.
It’s like a high school theater production some lazy, untalented kids slapped together at the last minute with random set pieces and costumes from previous plays and actors holding scripts in their hands while they struggle to make up their blocking on the fly.
I understand the purpose of making even the most stable looking people appear capable of being “radicalized”. I get that part. I kind of understand the use of the new baby to show just how diabolical the radicalization process and the ISIS™ ideology can be. I get that as well.
But this whole thing, with the media frenzy and the holes in the story, it’s an absolute freak show. It’s like the entire MSM is now Alex Jones on New Years Eve 1999 screeching about Russian missiles coming over Canada and the Y2K bug wiping out power plants across the country.
All the crafters of these Gladio events have to do is put on the show and the media will apparently take it from there. It doesn’t matter how cobbled together the productions are, the “reporters” will either ignore the problems or try to fill in the holes themselves with outright lies. Toss ’em a little bone from some random Facebook spokesperson and off they go with their new scoop.
It’s.. fucking… remarkable…. I… I…. I just don’t know what to call it. As an investigative journalist of over 8 years, I’ve seen them make up stories in the past, stage “news” events, ignore hard scientific facts, ridicule anyone who doesn’t… I’ve seen all of this and today’s freak show still leaves me in awe of just how corrupt and opportunistic these ass clowns really are.
I shutter to think what they will be like in 10 years or 5 for that matter.
Meanwhile, Brian Williams is back on TV.
Five words:
Three ring circus freak show.
