Friday, December 11, 2015

Texas Sheriff Defies Obama: ‘If You Try to Disarm Us,’ a ‘Revolution’ is Coming

Wednesday, December 9, 2015 6:22 Print this story
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An Exclusive You Have To See: The Last Frontier of Free Press Is Here! No More Censorship, Unlike YouTube and Others!

Dear Mr. Security Agent:
We really don’t want a problem with you, believe me. And there is no reason for us to have a problem, because we both can read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and neither of us requires a team of black-robed mystics to translate its plain English into Newspeak for improved comprehension. You and I both understand what “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” means, without requiring five out of nine politically appointed Supremes to tell us that it does not mean what it very plainly states in black and white.
Now, as long as Mr. Security Agent remembers that he swore the same oath that millions of Americans swore, to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, he will certainly not permit himself to take part in gun confiscation raids. But if he does, well, let’s be frank: tens of millions of Americans would then consider him to be the very domestic enemy that they swore to defend the Constitution against.
Facial recognition cameras are going up everywhere. Nearly all public and corporate video camera networks have their feeds directed to dozens of new law enforcement “fusion centers,” whose very existence is kept secret from the American people they were supposedly built to protect. (Google “fusion centers” as well. Discover more news that the liberal mainstream media don’t think you need to know.) Data-mining and Social Network Analysis by our “protectors” edges steadily toward the “Department of Pre-Crime” foreseen in the science fiction movie Minority Report.
Next, project a decade ahead to what may be considered routine law enforcement behavior in 2023, after millions of Americans refuse to comply with new firearms registration and confiscation laws. Action will beget reaction. SWAT raids will spur armed resistance, which will spur “death squad” reprisals by “off-duty” agents, exactly in the way I wrote in Enemies Foreign and Domestic.” 
It is a natural, almost organic progression, once started—and it has started. Secret detention centers will proliferate like mushrooms in the night. The media will not report on them, even if screams are heard around the clock by neighbors. Particularly brave reporters who break the media silence to report on police abuses will disappear, or be found headless, as they are in Mexico today.
The above letter to the security agent is actually a work of fiction. It was part of a BRILLIANTLY written article titled, How Will You Respond When They Come For YOUR Guns?  I cannot suggest enough what a good idea it would be to read that, no matter what you think you know. People give some of the most asinine answers to that question of how they’ll respond if government comes for their guns, as if Obama and Eric Holder (out of retirement of course) are going to show up on their doorsteps wearing jackets that say “BIG GOVERNMENT,” and they’re going to ask nicely for your guns. Even IF there was an administration that would do such a thing, the Obama administration is NOT it. If you’re married with children, they’ll come when when you least expect it, and all the platitudes in the world like, “from your cold dead fingers” won’t mean a thing… unless you don’t mind your spouse and children getting ventilated as you try to prove a point. 
Here’s MY point. Right about now, you ought to be scared to death. Obama claims he will develop “An Appropriate Legal Regime” (by what standard????) to permanently detain people PRIOR to having committed any crime. The idea of these detentions would be to prevent any individual from committing a FUTURE crime. Obama even goes as far as to say he might detain someone up to TEN YEARS before they MIGHT commit a crime. 
Effectively, the way Obama skirts AROUND the Constitution (which we all know he is a professional at) is by having the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Sections 1021 and 1022, authorize indefinite military detention, WITHOUT CHARGE or WITHOUT TRIAL, any person, including an American citizen, and applies the “Laws of War,” to U.S. soil, making the United States legally a BATTLEFIELD. The Pentagon’s New “Law of War” Manual “Reduces Government Agents to the Level of Nazis.” If you have any doubts, parts of the actual US Code are in that link. READ IT! Don’t get your information from bumper stickers and Twitter headlines. READ. LEARN. EDUCATE OTHERS. Share posts like this one. It is CRITICAL that you know the information below… the video is 55 minutes, but EVERYONE in your family should be fully aware of what the government can “legally” do thanks to the National Defense Authorization Act. 
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Sections 1021 and 1022, authorizes the indefinite military detention, without charge or trial, of any person, including an American citizen, and applies the “Law of War,” to U.S. soil, making the United States legally a battlefield.
People Against the NDAA (PANDA) was founded by Dan Johnson in January 2012. Johnson is a remarkable young man – he’s only 20 years old, and is already a nationally known writer and speaker. PANDA is the largest organization of its kind in the world, and has worked on over 18 pieces of state and local anti-NDAA legislation.
The PANDA Mission Statement, from the organization’s website:
Our Mission is to nonviolently block, strike down, repeal, stop, void and fight the indefinite detention provisions, Sections 1021 and 1022, of the National Defense Authorization Act for the Fiscal Year of 2012, to fight for American civil liberties, to combat laws restricting liberty in the interest of National Security, to support current government officials that are doing so and to engage a younger generation in the politics of the United States so this cannot happen again.
Johnson spoke at the Freedom Forum in Santa Cruz, CA on March 19, 2014, where he broke down the law and discussed its impacts on citizens:
Want the REAL dirt on the National Defense Authorization Act? It REMOVES ALL of your rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights EXCEPT the 2nd Amendment, and you know how hard he’s trying to get rid of that. The ARMY can come for you at 3am if they want, collect you, throw you in a hole, not tell anyone where you are, and never charge you with anything. The following video will be a painful eye opener. Thank goodness for sheriffs like Sheriff Kennedy below, but you better be prepared with the Sheriff is with you or not… because the clock is ticking, and Barack is coming… 
Infowars reports:
A sheriff in Northeast Texas is the latest local law enforcement personality to urge the public to take up firearms in self defense.
Responding to Obama’s rare Oval Office Address Sunday, in which the president expressed a desire to curtail American gun rights, Hughes Springs County Sheriff Randy Kennedy uploaded a video commentary to Facebook defending law abiding gun owners.

An Exclusive You Have To See: The Last Frontier of Free Press Is Here! No More Censorship, Unlike YouTube and Others!

“I know that there are a lot of law-abiding gun owners out there and nobody who is a legal gun owner has ever wanted to harm or kill anyone,” Sheriff Kennedy said. “But I know that we do not seek to harm or kill anyone but nor are we going to allow anyone to seek us out and kill us or do harm to our families.”
“So, I strongly encourage you to help me by arming yourselves because I know that we as law enforcement do the very best we can to protect our citizens and we do a good job,” the sheriff continued.
Sheriff Kennedy added that armed citizens are essential not only to protecting their families, but to saving law enforcement lives as well.
“I know that if the tables are ever turned on me or one of my officers that I want one of my citizens or a group of my citizens coming to our aide and rescue and I don’t want you running out of bullets and I don’t want you running out of guns before you’re able to pull our bacon out of the fire.”
The sheriff also spoke directly to President Obama, reminding him of the importance of the Second Amendment and that an attempt to confiscate Americans’ firearms would “cause a revolution.”
“Now, Mr. Obama, you need to understand what the Second Amendment is for. It is not for hunting. It is there for the American people to protect themselves against the criminal elements, to protect themselves from terrorists and radical ideology and it’s also there to protect us against the government that has over reached its power.
“You are not our potentate, sir. You are our servant to serve and protect us first, and I suggest sir, since you’re a constitutional expert that you better review our history on the Constitution and understand that we are a free people and we are subject to no one other than the Almighty God and Jesus Christ the King.
“And as such sir, I strongly encourage you to trust the law-abiding American citizen because you won’t fail in that and we won’t let you down.
“But if you try to disarm us, sir, then you will cause a revolution in this country to occur. So, please revise your thinking because we are not your enemy, the law-abiding gun owner in this country.”
Date print: 12/11/2015