Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Global Economic Reset Has Begun: “Controlled Demolition of the American Structure As We Know It”

Brandon Smith
December 9th, 2015
This article was originally published by Brandon Smith at Alt Market.
In my last article, I outlined the deliberately engineered trend toward the forced “harmonization” of national economies and monetary policies, as well as the ultimate end goal of globalists: a single world currency system controlled by the International Monetary Fund and, by extension, global governance, which internationalists sometimes refer to in their more honest public moments as the “new world order.”
The schematic for the new world order, according to the admissions of the internationalists, cannot possibly include the continued existence of U.S. geopolitical and economic dominance. The plan, in fact, requires the destabilization and reformation of America into a shell of its former glory. The most important element of this plan demands the removal of the U.S. dollar as the de facto world reserve currency, a change that would devastate our current financial structure.
I outlined with undeniable evidence the reality that major governments, including the BRICS governments of the East, are fully on board with the globalist agenda. There is no way around it; the BRICS, including Russia and China, have openly called for a global monetary system centralized and dictated by the IMF using the SDR basket. This same plan was outlined decades ago in the Rothschild-owned magazine The Economist. We are witnessing that plan being implemented in front of our very eyes today.
For the past couple of years, the current head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, has used the phrase “global economic reset” often in her speeches and interviews. There is some (deliberate) ambiguity to this notion, but after sitting through hours upon hours of her most boring and repetitive discussions in globalist think tanks such as the Council On Foreign Relations, the consistent message is pretty straightforward. If anyone can stand to listen to this woman’s carefully crafted prattle and well-vetted half-truths for more than five minutes, I suggest they watch this particular speech given in January at the CFR:

Her message on the global economic reset is essentially this: “Collective” cooperation will not just be encouraged in the new order, it will be required — meaning, the collective cooperation of all nations toward the same geopolitical and economic framework. If this is not accomplished, great fiscal pain will be felt and “spillover” will result. Translation: Due to the forced interdependency of globalism, crisis in one country could cause a domino effect of crisis in other countries; therefore, all countries and their economic behavior must be managed by a central authority to prevent blundering governments or “rogue central banks” from upsetting the balance.
It’s interesting how the IMF’s answer to the failings of globalization is MORE globalization. In other words, Lagarde would argue that while we are in the midst of an international system, we are not centralized enough for such a system to succeed.
The IMF points out correctly that the economic situation around the world is not stable and could revert once again to the chaos of the initial 2008 crash. The Bank for International Settlements, the primary hub of central bank control, has also given numerous warnings this year on the potential for disaster, including in its latest quarterly report.
The warnings of the BIS in particular should not be taken lightly (some analysts are indeed taking them lightly). The BIS knows exactly when financial disasters will erupt because it wrote the central bank policies that created those same events. For example, in 2007, the BIS released a warning that perfectly predicted the elements of the derivatives and credit crisis in 2008.
What these globalist institutions will not tell you in a direct manner are the real causes and motivations behind the inevitable next stage in the ongoing destruction of the current economic system
The global reset is not a “response” to the process of collapse we are trapped in today. No, the global reset as implemented by central banks and the BIS/IMF are the CAUSE of the collapse. The collapse is a tool, a flamethrower burning a great hole in the forest to make way for the foundations of the globalist Ziggurat to be built. As outlined in my last article, economic disaster serves the interests of elitists.
When you look at these actions by the Federal Reserve and the U.S. government in particular, questions arise. Is it “stupidity” that is causing them to sabotage the golden goose? Is it hubris and greed? Their actions are clearly facilitating a program of incremental implosion, yet they continue to ignore the obvious. Why?
The people who ask these questions are operating on a false assumption; they have assumed that the international bankers and the puppet politicians they control have any interest in protecting the longevity of the U.S. The fact is they do not. They have no loyalty whatsoever to the U.S. system, nor do they see the U.S. as “too big to fail.” This is utter nonsense to globalists. Rather, they see each nation and central bank as a piece in a game, much like chess. Some pieces have to be sacrificed in order to gain a better position on the board. This is all that the U.S., the Federal Reserve and even the dollar are to them: expendable pieces in a larger game.
The U.S. is now experiencing the next stage of the great reset. Two pillars were put in place on top of an already existing pillar by the central banks in order to maintain a semblance of stability after the 2008 crash.  This faux stability appears to have been necessary in order to allow time for the conditioning of the masses towards greater acceptance of globalist initiatives, to ensure the debt slavery of future generations through the taxation of government generated long term debts, and to allow for internationalists to safely position their own assets.  The three pillars are now being systematically removed by the same central bankers. Why? I believe that they are simply ready to carry on with the next stage of the controlled demolition of the American structure as we know it.
Bailouts And QE:  The First Pillar Removed
The bailout bonanza was in part a direct intervention in the deflationary avalanche of the derivatives bubble, but also an indirect intervention in that it changed the psychological dynamics of the markets. As former Fed chairmans Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke have both hinted at in interviews and op-eds, one of the primary concerns of the central bank was the psychology behind higher stock prices.
Stock prices could be propped up by the Fed itself through proxy buyers using the printing press. Or the Fed could inject billions, if not trillions, of dollars into banks and allow them to run wild, artificially boosting investment while doing nothing to solve the existing dilemma of negative fundamentals.  Beyond this, the markets began to move on the mere words or edicts of Fed officials as algo-computers and the general investment world placed bets on rhetoric rather than reality; a dynamic which is now ending.
The bailouts also reanimated the cadavers of large corporations and banks, not just in the U.S. but in Europe, giving the illusion of life to the financial system while leaving Main Street to rot. In the meantime, quantitative easing measures provided a way to continue financing U.S. government debt at the expense of generations of taxpayers as numerous primary lenders began to abandon typical long-term bond purchases.
Furthermore, oil markets appear to have been directly inflated by QE intervention. It is important to take note that oil prices remained extraordinarily high despite the continuous fall in global demand UNTIL the moment the Federal Reserve instituted the taper of QE3. Then, prices began to plunge.
In a September 2013 article, I predicted that the Fed, despite all common sense and the claims of banks like Goldman Sachs, would indeed follow through with the taper: a removal of the first pillar levitating the U.S. system.
I was, of course, called crazy at the time for this prediction by some people within the alternative economic community.
“Why in the world” they asked, “would the Fed taper QE when they can simply print to infinity and kick the can down the road perpetually?” Again, these people do not understand that America is under scheduled demolition by the international banks; it is not being protected by them.
The taper occurred in December of that year.
Near Zero Interest Rates:  The Second Pillar Nearly Removed
After the taper of QE, volatility not seen since 2008/2009 returned to the markets. And the public once again was reminded in sporadic moments that the recovery might not be real after all. Europe and Japan quickly stepped in with their own renewed stimulus measures, and Fed officials began using strategic media interviews to “hint” falsely that QE might return. Markets rallied, then fell dramatically, then rallied again, then fell again in a shocking manner. And this volatility has been the trend up until recently, when the question of the end of zero interest rate policy arose.
Again, very few people have ever asked or demanded the Fed end QE or ZIRP. There was never any legitimate public pressure on the fed to remove these pillars. The investment world has been essentially addicted like heroin junkies to assured gains for three years.  The war cry of the investment world has been BTFD! (Buy the f’ing dip) for quite some time; investors have come to expect and demand inevitable central bank intervention and fiat driven stock market rallies.  Yet, the Fed is ending the party anyway.
ZIRP is the only pillar left holding stocks in place. Without zero interest rates, and with even the most minor of .25 basis points added, cost-free overnight lending to banks and corporations will end. They will not be able to afford continued lending on the massive scale seen since 2009/2010. This means no more stock buybacks for dying companies like IBM or General Motors, among others. This means a considerable decline in the markets, declines which we have had a taste of in recent plunges in equities at the mere mention of interest rate increases.
In August in an article entitled ‘Economic Crisis Goes Mainstream: What Happen’s Next?’, I wrote:
“The Federal Reserve push for a rate hike will likely be determined before 2015 is over. Talk of a September increase in interest rates may be a ploy, and a last-minute decision to delay could be on the table. This tactic of edge-of-the-seat meetings and surprise delays was used during the QE taper scenario, which threw a lot of analysts off their guard and caused many to believe that a taper would never happen. Well, it did happen, just as a rate hike will happen, only slightly later than mainstream analysts expect.
If a delay occurs, it will be short-lived, triggering a dead cat bounce in stocks, with rates increasing by December as dismal retail sales become undeniable leading into the Christmas season.”
You can also read my analysis on the motivations behind a Fed rate hike as well as the theater surrounding their policies.
The cat seems to have finished its bounce and stocks are returning to volatility.  Retail sales so far for Black Friday weekend (including Thanksgiving) have posted a staggering 10% drop with online sales below expectations. Chain Store sales have recently crashed 6.3% week over week.  Plunging freight rates and global shipping indicate a severe lack of global demand and a terrible sales season ahead.  Janet Yellen, ignoring all negative economic signals as predicted, has all but declared a rate hike a given by Dec. 16.
I was, yet again, called crazy for this assertion by some at the time; and to be clear, I could still be wrong. The Fed could pull a fast one and not raise rates, though the rhetoric coming from the fed today almost guarantees they will take action. Not raising rates doesn’t match with their past habits; they seem to be following the timing of the taper model perfectly. The point is, despite common assumptions within the alternative media, the Fed is not “trapped” and can do whatever it wants, including killing the markets if it benefits the greater goal of a global economic authority. With the ZIRP pillar gone, expect even more violent swings in stocks and general uncertainty and panic among day-traders and the public.
U.S. Dollar’s World Reserve Status:  The Third Pillar In Progress Of Removal
I’ve been writing about the loss of the dollar’s reserve status since 2008. And as I have always said, the removal of this final pillar is a process, not an overnight affair. The BRICS nations have been positioning themselves for years — China since 2005, the rest of the BRICS since at least 2010.
The delusion that some economic analysts have been under is that the BRICS were strategically vying for power by building their own unified banking institution in “opposition” to the IMF and the West. As I presented in my last article, this has proven to be completely false. They were in fact positioning to take their place as puppets within the new global paradigm taking shape. China has now joined the IMF’s SDR basket (as predicted); and Russia, along with the other BRICS, has openly called for the IMF to take control of the global monetary system.
China’s inclusion, I believe, will hasten the loss of the dollar’s market share of reserve status over the next year, along with other factors. Saudi Arabia has also brought the idea of a depeg from the U.S. dollar into the mainstream discussion. This action, which mainstream economists are calling a possible Black Swan, would end the dollar’s petro-status and result in catastrophe for the U.S. economy. The removal of the final pillar is well underway.
As I have stated in the past, the U.S. system as it stands does not necessarily deserve to survive, but then again, this does not mean that it should be sacrificed in order to breathe life into the monstrosity of global economic governance. Such a trade-off only serves the interests of a select group of elites, with the global reset ending in the mechanized multicultural suicide of sovereignty, leeching prosperity from the rest of us in the name of “collective progress.” Globalists want us to believe there is no other option but their leadership, and they will create any measure of chaos in order to convince us of their necessity.
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Also From Brandon Smith:
Economic Crisis Goes Mainstream – What Happens Next?
The Fall Of America Signals The Rise Of The New World Order
Lies You Will Hear As The Economic Collapse Progresses
The Future Costs Of Politically Correct Cultism: “I See No Other Alternative But Utter Conflict”
Elites Planning Fall Of America: “This Reset Is The Next Stage In The Plan For Total Global Economic Centralization”