Saturday, December 5, 2015

UPDATE: SHOOTER WAS UPDATING FACEBOOK AT TIME OF SHOOTING??/San Bernardino FF Couple Found Lying Face Down, Handcuffed and Shot in Vehicle

THIS IS PERHAPS THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT FOR BUSTING THIS ENTIRE RUSE: In ALL photos and video, the windows of the SUV are rolled up yet shot out. Yet the police claimed they were receiving fire from assault rifles from this vehicle. If this couple was using assault rifles, they would not have been able to fire them through closed windows because the barrels are too long, it is impossible to be in a car and point one out the side with the windows rolled up because there simply is not enough room in a car to do that. And no one is stupid enough to try to shoot a gun in an enclosed chamber like a car with the windows rolled up, the back blast would be severe. The fact they were up in all photos is cold proof no bullets were ever fired from this SUV, all the bullet damage is from police.

San_12.2.15_Bern photo SB_12.2.15_zps3n3r9pjr.png

Here's the original 'BOLO' (Be on the Look Out) issued on December 2 at 1135 hours:

#BREAKING: Reports of an active shooter in San Bernardino. Police looking for 3 white males dressed in military gear. At least 20 injured

Why all this mayhem, courtesy of Jew Inc? Because Israel is tired of waiting on their GOYIM bitches, the USA, France, England, Germany etc to steal the ME land the Zionists want for an Eretz Israel, shown below.

7.18.13 photo eretzisraelmaplg_zpsaa9c20c7.jpg

So Jew Inc will keep up with these obvious False Flags until Americans scream for the ultimate vengeance, some nukes dropped on Iraq and Syria. Preferably neutron bombs so the Jew can move into the abandoned buildings vacated by the dead Arabs.

NOTE: Jew Inc has been busy. They used their trolls to file numerous complaints about my PB pics, supposedly for violating terms of use, when actually they expose the truth that the Jew doesn't want you to see.
So go ahead and wipe away Jew Inc, I'll keep pasting the TRUTH and you can keep sucking on **** *****.


With each version of this Jew False Flag attack against the USA, the info offered gets more ludicrous. Now the JEW MSM is telling us that Tasfheen Malik was updating her Facebook page at the same time she was alleged to be shooting up the IRC in San Bernardino?

What a load of BS. They obviously haven't heard the term 'muzzle creep,' which is a factor when shooting a rifle, especially an assault rifle. The rifle barrel will start creeping up with each round fired, making it necessary to hold the weapon with both hands to stay on target.
Yet they want us to believe that a 90 pound female was blasting away, holding the rifle with one hand, while holding her smart phone and updating her FB page with the other?

Shit, even Rambo couldn't do that trick.

The story was in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, entitled, "FBI Investigating California shooting as terrorism."

Here's the part that defies belief:

 photo PD_12.15_zpsrpkffv8m.png

What's known for sure is that this is another vicious attack by Jew Inc to keep the hatred going and to keep the war pitting Christian against Muslims ongoing so the Jews will reap the benefits, both in the money made thru their control of central banks financing this conflict that also lets Israel continue on its homicidal policy of exterminating Palestinians, so they can steal the rest of their land.
And has their GOYIM stooges fighting and dying for Israel.

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