Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Covid vaccines could trigger prion-linked brain degeneration similar to mad cow disease?

Covid vaccines could trigger prion-linked brain degeneration similar to mad cow disease?

(Natural News) New research published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research has identified numerous pathways through which the messenger RNA (mRNA) injections from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna could cause serious neurological conditions such as mad cow disease.

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, who works in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), along with colleague Greg Nigh from Naturopathic Oncology in Portland, Ore., identified a “signature motif” within the injections that they say increases the risk that misfolding will occur, creating toxic oligomers. They call this the glycine zipper motif.

“It is characterized by a pattern of two glycine residues spaced by three intervening amino acids, represented as GxxxG,” they explain.

“The bovine prion linked to MADCOW has a spectacular sequence of ten GxxxGs in a row … (and) the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a transmembrane protein, and it contains five GxxxG motifs in its sequence … (and, thus) it becomes extremely plausible that it could behave as a prion.”

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Subterranean Homesick News said...

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