Sunday, December 29, 2019

Judicial Watch Sues CIA And DOJ For Information On Alleged Whistleblower

Judicial Watch announced Friday that it filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against both the Department of Justice and CIA for information on the whistleblower, whose complaint led to the House Democratic impeachment of President Donald Trump.
According to numerous reports the alleged whistleblower is CIA employee Eric Ciaramella. Ciarmella allegedly worked on Ukraine issues while on detail to both President Obama and President Trump administrations. The whistleblower did not have first hand knowledge of any of the allegations submitted in the report to the Intelligence Community’s Inspector General and was protected by Democrats in the committee from testifying.
There is significant public interest, thanks to the Obama Spygate scandal and the related abusive impeachment of President Trump, in what Eric Ciaramella was up to, Tom Fitton

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