Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Ninth Circuit Strikes Down California’s Gun Magazine Ban

The US Court of Appeals for The Ninth Circuit has ruled that magazine limitation violates the Second Amendment rights of the people.

In Duncan v. Becerra, the plaintiff argued that California’s magazine limitation law banning magazines that hold more than ten rounds was unconstitutional. Earlier in 2019, San Diego Judge Roger T. Benitez ruled in favor of Virginia Duncan’s accusation that the law violated her Constitutionally guaranteed right to bear arms. The judge issued an injunction against the state law.

This ruling kicked off what became known as “Freedom Week” in the California gun community. Any magazines acquired by Californians during the week became legal to keep. The court ruled that the citizens could keep these newly acquired magazines if the buyer ordered them during that week. The state asked the court for a stay of the injunction while they waited for the Ninth Circuit Court to hear California’s appeal. The judge granted the state a stay.

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