Thursday, August 6, 2020

Yesterday’s Beirut Explosion: Is The Official Narrative Solid?

Mac Slavo
August 5th, 2020
I have a rule, and that’s to never buy the first “official narrative” presented by any government or mainstream media. Especially when it comes to situations that have caused mass death or mass panic. So, is the official narrative of the Beirut, Lebanon explosion solid?
Probably not.  Nothing we are told is the truth anymore, so why on earth would the mainstream media and governments controlled by the banking cartel suddenly decide we deserve the real story? Plus, some things just don’t add up, much like the coronavirus scamdemic narrative.
For those who aren’t yet aware, a devastating explosion occurred at the port of Beirut that left over 70 people dead and thousands wounded. Even though videos of the explosion continue to emerge showing the immense destruction that was caused, there seems to be little explanation for what actually happened as the media brushes it off as a simple ammonium nitrate mishap.


The blast was reportedly heard as far away as Cyprus, some 150 miles away from the port, according to RTDespite the explanations supplied by Lebanese authorities, United States President Donald Trump apparently felt compelled to weigh in on the incident during a press conference Tuesday evening, suggesting that based on the explosion,”  it was an “attack, it was a bomb of some kind” after consulting with Pentagon generals.
The official narrative says that “authorities” (people desperate to have you believe their narrative)  have traced the explosion to a 2,750-ton stash of explosive ammonium nitrate in a warehouse by the port (certainly not an Israeli missile, Lebanese and Israeli authorities, as well as Hezbollah, have stressed).
If the official story is true, then why would Trump suggest it was an “attack?” Did he just misspeak? If it was an attack, why are others saying it’s just a storage mishap? The almost want attention diverted. Why? Things aren’t adding up already.  When something like this happens, it’s important to pay attention and be aware of it.

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