Breaking: Judge Anna Von Reitz Files Commercial Lien Against BLM and FBI

The BLM and FBI are called “government agencies” but are nothing but subcontractors working in behalf of other “governmental services corporations” fronted by international banking cartels. Right now you fellows are going through a changing of the guards while you attempt to pull off yet another institutionalized fraud scheme in which you fail to inform birthright American State Citizens of your undisclosed activities designed to entrap them, copyright their given names, roll over their estates into Cestui Que Vie Trusts and Public Transmitting Utilities and defraud them the rest of their lives while you feed off of them and their labor like parasites.
Be advised that your activities are being closely monitored by other governments and international agencies around the world. Be advised that the Hammonds and the Bundys have clearly and repeatedly Self-Declared their actual political status and that the ONLY purpose for the EXISTENCE of the “Bureau of Land Management” or the “Federal Bureau of Investigations” is to provide these “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” (Definitive Treaty of Peace, Article 3) with “essential governmental services” (Constitution, Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2).
Those “essential governmental services” do not include mischaracterization, fraud, racketeering, threats, false claims, identity theft, or any other action detrimental to them and their interests. The ONLY reason for this government or any other to exist is the protection of the people and their material assets.
We have had enough of your Bully Boy tactics and your provocations and your false arrests and your false charges under conditions of personage and barratry. We have had enough of your criminality and lack of regard for the Public Law and the only equity contract allowing your presence on this Continent.
The federal corporations are no better nor of any different character than any commercial corporations in the world. If McDonald’s and Target cannot ram around using commercial mercenary armies to terrify the populace, neither can you.
We are establishing a commercial lien for damages of $100 billion United States Dollars (USD) defined as one ounce of fine silver for the loss of any one Oregon State Citizen murdered by any federal corporation employee, mercenary, subcontractor, agent or ally, with an additional $100 billion (USD) to be paid directly as compensation to their families.
The Oregon State will be bringing war crimes charges against the “DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE” before the World Court if even one American is harmed by the FBI and more charges will be brought against the BLM.
Consider this your First Public Notice of these facts and of the pending Commercial Lien Obligation.
Submitted by: Wynter Moon
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