Thursday, January 7, 2016

gcMAF, Cancer Cure

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    Office Hours: 8:30am - 5:30pm (GMT)

GcMAF.seGcMAFfor inflammation, infections, viral
and immune diseases.
CancerGcMAFThe body's way of
becoming cancer free
AutismGcMAF85% respond 15%
make full recoveries
CFS / MEGcMAFFull recoveries
in 70% of cases

Petition to disband the MHRA
To disband the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and its big pharma board of directors, which protects the old billion dollar monopolies of the big pharmaceuticals, and ruthlessly closes down effective, inexpensive scientific discoveries. Please sign this petition here Or visit

Lord Saatchi’s Bill is now moving through Parliament
The medical laws have been changed over the last 40 years so that all the brilliant breakthroughs in cancer are denied to the British public.
Lord Maurice Saatchi had to watch his wife die, while his doctor told him the only thing he was allowed to prescribe her was chemotherapy, which would shorten her life.
He hopes to bring the Medical Innovation Bill to Parliament, so instead of obeying a destructive government law, a doctor will be able to prescribe whatever treatment is best for the patient.
Bad law kills, and Britain has the worst medical laws in Europe. The 1939 Cancer Act makes it illegal to discuss the possibility cancer can be cured, which is partly why 160,000 people die unnecessarily of cancer in Britain every year. Science and treatments are decades ahead of where the medical industry is today. The MHRA’s job is to get life saving treatments like GcMAF out to people as quickly as possible. Instead they block them to protect billion dollar Big Pharma monopolies, who also fund the MHRA. Over a hundred thousand lives could be saved every year if the 1939 Cancer Act were repealed, and the MHRA were closed down.
GcMAF is the body’s own internal medicine. ALL healthy people have it.

There are 180 eminent scientists who have published GcMAF research papers on the US National Library of Medicine alone.

Cancer cells destroyed by GcMAF
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Global Medical Discovery chooses our AntiCancer paper

Global Medical Discovery has identified your recent peer-reviewed publication: Oleic Acid, Deglycosylated…

Clinical Results and Treatment Strategies, Cambridge

American Journal of Immunology 10 (1): 23-32, 2014 The first paper on the results in the GcMAF Treatment…

Ours is selected as a Key Scientific Article

The article in “Nutrients” describing the product that we now call “Goleic”, and that already…

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Note from Blogger:  Obama does not raise his voice against the killing of the masses, by Big Pharma.  Cancer is a big business that Big Pharma only works on treatments, and not prevention nor cures.  These snake oil salesmen cannot give up the money for the health of the people.