Friday, January 8, 2016

We Need a Background Check on The Current White House Occupant
Seems to me the potentate wanna bee that likes to play golf and waste American tax payers money on lavish vacations should submit to an extensive background check.  Who is he really?  Who is his real father?  Who is his mother, as there are doubts that Stanley Dunham is his real mother?  Where was he born?  For sixteen years his agent advertised that he was born in Kenya?  Why can we not see his birth certificate (the one that he posted on the internet was a cut and paste, and photo shopped piece of trash)?  The woman that certified it died in a plane crash? 
What has this man done in the past?  Who put him in the White House?  Some say it was the Saudis.  Why are even his kindergarten records sealed?  Did he attend Occidental as a foreigner?  He was know as Barry when in attendance there.  If you can prove that he attended Columbia University, Rev. Manning has a $10,000 scholarship waiting for you.
This polished turd has NPD, and we suffer because of it.  He has his finger on the largest arsenal of deadly weapons, and he is the largest arms dealer in the World.  ($549 Billion Arms and Munitions to the Muslim World alone).  He must know that criminals do not go through back ground checks, but law abiding citizens do.  He has armed the police with military gear, but it is not to fight criminals or terrorists.  No it is to enslave the American people.
He wants to ban guns such as a small caliber 22 from mentally unstable Americans. Yet he is mentally unstable, delusional, and psychotic, and his trigger finger in on trigger.  He sheds a fake tear for Sandy Hook, where no one died.  It was a hoax.   While he goes over a kill list every Tuesday.  He has wreaked more death and destruction around the World than any other World leader today.  He takes pleasure on looking at the videos of the death and destruction yielded by his hellfire missiles.  He takes pleasure in seeing the death of men, women and children, as power is the blood of a person with NPD.  Yet he sheds a fake tear to disarm all Americans.
Do you not think that the time has come for his own Background Check?  Time to put an end to the term worst President that the World has ever seen.  It would be best if he was vetted rather than impeached.