Monday, June 13, 2016

24 Shots in 9 Seconds:

The Truth About Orlando Nightclub Massacre

America’s most deadly mass shooter, 29, called 911 to pledge allegiance to ISIS before shooting dead 50 in Orlando gay nightclub as his father reveals ‘he got angry when he saw men kiss’ 
  • US citizen Omar Mateen, 29, opened fire inside Pulse gay club in Orlando in the early hours of this morning  
  • He killed at least 50 people, injured 53 and took party-goers hostage before being shot dead by police
  • Police used an explosive device to distract the gunman and rescued around 30 people who had been taken hostage
  • Police engaged in gunfire with the man and an officer was shot in the head, but he was saved by his helmet
  • FBI says gunman may have ‘leanings to radical Islamic terrorism’ and it is being investigated as ‘an act of terrorism’
  • Took place four miles from where The Voice singer Christina Grimmie, 22, was shot dead at The Plaza Live on Friday
24 shots in 9 seconds: Audio captures horror of Orlando nightclub massacre where at least 50 are dead:
At the end of the video there is the sound of a gunshot from another gun.
The person filming says: ‘Oh… my god… People are getting shot dude…’
A male voice next to him says: ‘We need to get out of here.’ But they stand there stunned as the gunshots keep going.
‘This guy’s firing out shots,’ the friend adds.
The harrowing footage offers a glimpse into the horror that unfolded in Florida between 2am and 5am this morning.
Officers said in a Twitter message that there were “multiple injuries” at the Pulse nightclub and local
media reported that between seven and 20 people had been shot. The dance club urged patrons to “get out” and “keep running” in a post on its Facebook page. Police have not confirmed if there were any other people killed or the specific number of injuries.
At around 5am authorities sent in a SWAT team to rescue the hostages. Nine hero officers used a ‘controlled explosion’ to distract the shooter before fatally shooting him and were able to rescue about 30 hostages who were hiding in the bathroom of the club.
The video below shows the moment swat team engaged orlando cub shooter in rapid gunfire:

At around 6am local time police tweeted: ‘Pulse Shooting: The shooter inside the club is dead.’
Orlando police warned residents to stay away from the area, and urged people not to call their offices. They declined to provide the number of casualties, saying details will be available later. Bomb sniffing dogs are on the scene.
The gunman who slaughtered at least 50 people inside a gay club in Orlando called 911 and swore allegiance to the leader of Islamic State shortly before the massacre, according to law enforcement officials.
FBI spokesman said the mass shooting is being investigated as an act of terrorism, adding that they are looking into whether this was an act of domestic or international terror, and if the shooter was a lone wolf.
US citizen Mateen, who was shot dead by officers, entered the nightclub wielding an AR-15 assault rifle and a handgun.

Mateen, a Muslim and father to a three-year-old son, was born in 1986 in New York and married Sitora Alisherzoda Yusufiy, who was born in Uzbekistan, in 2009.
His father told NBC News:  ‘We were in Downtown Miami, Bayside, people were playing music. And he saw two men kissing each other in front of his wife and kid and he got very angry.
‘They were kissing each other and touching each other and he said, “Look at that. In front of my son they are doing that”. And then we were in the men’s bathroom and men were kissing each other.’
Seddique said Mateen had a job in security and attended Indian River State College, as well as having an associates degree in criminal justice.
He was a ‘known quantity’ to the FBI and was investigated twice before the mass shooting.  A senior law enforcement source told the Daily Beast that Mateen was a person of interest both in 2013 and again in 2014.
An investigation was opened into the 29-year-old, but the case was closed when no evidence appeared to warrant further probing.
‘He’s a known quantity,’ the source said. ‘He’s been on the radar before.’
Manteen had a Statewide Firearms License and was trained in firearms.
Assistant FBI Agent in Charge Ronald Hopper said Mateen made ‘threats in the past that he has ties to terrorist organizations’. Several ISIS-linked Twitter accounts have praised Mateen’s actions, although there has been no official claim of responsibility.
Congressman Schiff said in a statement: ‘This attack is so painfully reminiscent of the terrible attack at the Bataclan Theatre in Paris, and other ISIS-inspired attacks in recent years.
‘The fact that this shooting took place during Ramadan and that ISIS leadership in Raqqa has been urging attacks during this time, that the target was an LGBT night club during Pride, and – if accurate – that according to local law enforcement the shooter declared his allegiance to ISIS, indicates an ISIS-inspired act of terrorism.
‘Whether this attack was also ISIS-directed, remains to be determined.’
Omar Mateen, the man said responsible for the Pulse nightclub attack last night in Orlando, called 911 and pledged his allegiance to the Islamic State, according to officials.
Thus far, there has not been a claim of responsibility by the Islamic State on jihadi forums, although sympathizers have praised the attack.

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