Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Bilderberg 2016:

We can expect desperate lobbying against Brexit from Big Business

Published: June 7, 2016
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Source: Against Crony Capitalism

There's a press tent this year. That's new.
There’s a press tent this year. That’s new.
As Boris Johnson says in the post we did earlier this morning, JPMorgan is underwriting the “remain” side of the Brexit vote. The big banks, the big crony corporations, the government cronies in Brussels and across Europe do not want to see Britain leave the European Union. Such a move will be a sharp rebuke of the current economic and political order on the Continent. (Not that Britain is The Continent – I was taught that as a very young child.) And it will send a message to the rest of the world that powerful crony forces can be effectively resisted. That further global consolidation under a ruling bureaucratic class is not in fact inevitable.
That is the fear of some.
(From The International Business Times)
The annual three-day Bilderberg conference kicks off on Thursday, and you can be sure the mood in Dresden will be a grim one. The heads of Google, Shell, BP and Deutsche Bank will be there, and Brexit will be top of the agenda. The Bilderberg Group has been nurturing the EU to life since the 1950s, and now they see their creation under dire threat.
“A disaster for everyone” is how Henri de Castries, the boss of AXA and a director of HSBC, describes Brexit. But in particular, it is a disaster for his banking and big business colleagues at Bilderberg. Thomas Enders, the CEO of Airbus, who sits on Bilderberg’s steering committee – the group’s governing body – said, in a recent interview with CNBC, that his industry would be “lobbying” against Brexit.
Well not everyone. In fact for most people, folks who won’t be at Bilderberg, Brexit would be a very good thing.