Saturday, June 11, 2016

EU referendum:

David Cameron admits he is 'very concerned' about Brexit

David Cameron has admitted he is "very concerned" about the outcome of the European Union referendum.
With some polls showing the Leave side ahead, the Prime Minister said it was "very competitive" with many people still genuinely undecided as to which way they would vote on June 23.
Asked during the Facebook Live event hosted by Buzzfeed if he was losing sleep over the result, he replied: "Of course."
Prime Minister David Cameron 
Prime Minister David Cameron  Credit: Daniel Leal-Olivas
He went on: "I am very concerned about the outcome of this referendum because I think it is so important for our country. It is bigger than a general election.
"At a general election you pick a team, if you don't like them you can kick them out in five years' time. With this, we are going to live with this decision.
"It is very competitive out there. As you go round meeting people - going to businesses, going to schools - it is a huge debate, a lot of people still making up their mind.
"In a general election when people say to you 'I haven't decided' that normally means they are being polite but they are definitely not voting for you. With this I think people really haven't decided. So each of the next 13 days is really going to count."
Mr Cameron faced a four-letter tirade from one woman in the audience who said she would be voting for Remain even though she detested his party.
"I hate the Tories. You have f****d every f*****g thing up in this country. You've screwed students, you've screwed the disabled, the vulnerable. Dodgy Dave," she said.
Mr Cameron replied: "Obviously you and I are not going to agree about that one but we are on the same side on this one (the referendum)."
UKIP leader, Nigel Farage takes part in a BuzzFeed News and Facebook live debate
Ukip leader, Nigel Farage takes part in a BuzzFeed News and Facebook live debate
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