Sunday, June 12, 2016

HOT Explosive Breaking Intelligence:

Omar Mateen Now Fingered as a DHS Informant

Sunday, June 12, 2016 15:03
(Before It's News)
Sunday   June 12, 2016

Omar Mateen Now Fingered as a DHS Informant
by Tom Henegan, International Intelligence Expert

source    source
UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that the Islamic terrorist Omar Saddiqui Mateen was employed by a major global security company owned and administered by a foreign British company G4S, which is a direct arm of the treasonous, un-Constitutional Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which also employed Mateen as a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) informant.

…Mateen worked for the security firm G4S since 2007, the company said, adding that it is cooperating fully with law enforcement.

EXCLUSIVE: Top Gazan Jihadist Claims Orlando Shooter Was Terror Group Member

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had raised questions concerning the ISIS aka British MI6 cell on American soil and Omar’s allegiance to ISIS on seventeen (17) occasions and the treasonous Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the totally compromised U.S. Department of Justice ignored these warnings and, in fact, U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), U.S. Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL), and Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA), ignored these warnings from the FBI, and, along with the corrupt Obama Administration allowed Omar Saddiqui Mateen to have a security clearance and continue his employment with the treasonous, un-Constitutional, Nazi German junior George W. BushFRAUD’s post 9/11 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) contracted G4S company.

P.S.  At this hour, we can report that U.S. Military Flag Officers are enraged and are ready to shut down the treasonous New York Times and Washington Post (arrest its treasonous editor Robert Woodward for concealing the fact that Omar Saddiqui Mateen was tied to not only a worldwide scripted British Intelligence network operating on American soil, but had a direct connection to the Bush-Clinton-Obama “True Colors” assassination teams that are now targeting patriotic American citizens).
Note:  Woodward is now a massive national security risk to the safety of the American People and must be arrested and incarcerated immediately and prosecuted for HIGH treason.
We can now also divulge that there was a second shooter involved in the Orlando terrorist attack who was a Syrian national and was employed by the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. CIA.
P.P.S.  We can also report that the terrorist attack on the gay-lesbian nightclub in Orlando, Florida comes on the heels of the National Enquirer ready to go to press aka the lesbian pedophile sexual activities of current Democratic presidential candidate, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
In closing, we can also divulge that Hillary Clinton is in the process of blackmailing the entire U.S. government, being assisted by alleged anti-Clinton whistleblower Nazi CIA asset Larry Nichols and her super PAC director, homosexual David Brock, in regards to their illegal possession of FBI data files detailing the homosexual activity of current illegal FOREIGN BORN pResident Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro (having oral sex in a limousine and doing cocaine with his male lover Larry Sinclair in 1998 in Chicago), noted homosexual and Nazi neocon Lindsey Graham (R-SC), lesbian Susan Collins (R-SC) and, last but not least, year 2000 illegal White House occupant homosexual junior George W. BushFRAUD who totally wrecked the United States of America.
Nazi junior BushFRAUD spent his entire illegal eight years in the White House snorting cocaine, drinking heavily, and engaged in hot homosexual sex with White House prostitute body builder Jeff Gannon.

We can also reveal that CIA-Israeli Mossad Benjamin Netanyahu stooge Larry Nichols is actually blackmailing the FBI and its former Director Louis Freeh reference the death of Vince Foster in order to prevent the current FBI Director James Comey from proceeding with the indictment of CIA Bush Crime Family crony Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Nichols, like Washington Post editor Robert Woodward, and internet mogul Israeli Mossad agent Alex Jones are going to be dealt with directly by the U.S. Military Michigan and Tennessee Flag Officers and dealt with due prejudice.
. . .
Hell Freezes Over: ABC News Exposes Hillary’s Pay-for-Play Corruption
David Leeper | June 10 2016

Wow! James O’Keefe of Veritas couldn’t have done this any better.
Of course it’s no surprise to see Hillary Clinton’s corruption exposed — in this case it’s just one instance of pay-for-play, quid pro quo abuse of her position as United States Secretary of State.
What’s surprising is that this is ABC NEWS, normally a stalwart card-carrying member of the Democrat-servile media. Even the public domain YouTube video below comes from their site.
Might this one unofficial propaganda arm of the Democrat National Committee be having second thoughts about Hillary? Are we finally going to see some mainstream media investigative journalism about Democrats for a change? Wouldn’t that be nice?

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