Sunday, June 12, 2016

Mass Shooting Kills 50,

FBI Says it’s “an Act of Terror” (But No Ambulances?)

Sunday, June 12, 2016 5:32
STATE OF EMERGENCY!  50 Dead In Orlando “Terror Attack” At LGBTQ Club
Editors note: Let me say right away that when I am reporting on this event, i was not there, so i do not know definitively what occurred, if anything. There is a case to be made for this event being exactly what we are told with 50 dead, 53 wounded and it being the most deadly mass shooting in US history. At the same time there is a few points that indicate we may be looking at yet another false flag/orchestrated event. My point is, I don’t know what has happened, but what i do know is this… it’s going to be used to come after the rights of the American people by a President that is more deadly than the guns he is trying to ban! Lets get into this….

20 people have been shot and over 40 wounded in an attack on an LGBTQ nightclub in Florida. FBI are now saying that this is an act of terrorism. There have been controlled explosions carried out by security services and the suspects car is being searched. 
We are told that at 2am this morning the gunman exchanged shots with police officers and then took hostages inside the nightclub. Police decided to storm the building at around 5am resulting in the death of the of the suspect.

Look how close the medical centre is… yet no EMT’s on the scene?
What is very interesting when you watch any of the footage that is coming out is that THERE ARE NO AMBULANCES OR EMERGENCY MEDICAL TEAMS ANYWHERE NEAR THE SCENE!
At no time during the hours i have been watching have i seen any emergency medical staff! The entire area is cordoned off by police cars at either end of the street and NO AMBULANCES ARE ON SITE despite a hospital being situated close by.
I cannot say that this proves that we are looking at another orchestrated event, but one would think that when something like this happens we would expect to see at least some kind of medical response to the scene, right?
Look at the following images and you will see a lack of ambulances & emergency medics at the scene…
Despite the fact that no group has taken responsibility for this “attack” it is still being described as an act of terrorism.
Dont forget the other strange occurance DURING the shooting. The management team of Pulse nightclub actually had time to put out a message on Facebook DURING the attack. Who on earths name takes to Facebook if bullets are flying? More to the point, why would anyone in the nightclub check facebook to see what the bullets were all about? There is something very off about this whole event, and as the day goes on i suspect more strangeness will present itself.
Get ready for another push for gun control and no doubt the American people will be expected to give up some more rights in the name of security.
Here is my initial reports of the event…
Here is another video from the scene of the “crime”