Thursday, June 9, 2016

Time to Get the Hell Out of the UN:

The Takeover Has Begun! Prepare for the Unthinkable!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016 9:05
Those who have lived in a communist controlled country know the evils that surround it. They know that nothing belongs to them and that the government not only owns all property and business but also the people themselves. They were told where they could or could not live, how much food they could eat, and how to run their business. The government oversaw and controlled every aspect of their lives. Those in power controlled everyone below them and sadly this is exactly what will happen when the New World Order is implemented. 
The United Nations is now going public with its plan to “Globalize the World,” but first they must start with the indoctrination of our youth. 
In the video below Gary Franchi’s the Next News Network and I discuss how the UN’s takeover plan is already underway. 

All of us should be outraged by the United Nations summit in Korea this week that adopted a global “action plan” demanding a planetary education regime that will brainwash our children into social-justice warriors and sustainability-minded world citizens.
In other words the UN will promote “merged development” of the “whole person” including their beliefs, values, spirituality and lifestyle. Their goal included indoctrinating our youth to understand their responsibilities to “protect the planet,” and promote the UN agenda for the “common good.” Meaning throw personal individuality and freedom out the door and accept the hive mentality of “the good of the whole.” 
If that wasn’t bad enough it also details how they plan to integrate the New World Order concept into our youth by, “exploring ways and means by which education for global citizenship can be integrated into curricula and the agenda for education.” 
Another disturbing document is UNESCO’s UN Decade of Education For Sustainable Development report that lays out, in detail, what the summit in Korea was truly about—brainwashing citizens and our youth to be poor obedient “sustainability-minded, social-justice, world citizens.” 
Probably the most shocking information contained in UNESCO’s report is found on page 12-13 which states:
“Generally, more highly educated people, who have higher incomes, consume more resources than poorly educated people, who tend to have lower incomes. In this case more education increases the threat to sustainability.” (pg.12
The report further details: 
“Simply educating the citizens [specifically the US] to higher levels is not sufficient for creating sustainable societies.” (pg.13
In other words, they can’t “educate” the citizens to follow their agenda, therefore they brainwash our children and target the middle class. The more money you and I have, the worse off the “world” is, therefore it is their goal to force us into poverty and make us a lower poorer class of obedient zombies. Keep in mind this agenda has been promoted and accepted in a majority of countries—all of whom are dictators wanting to control their citizens and all of whom plan on keeping money in their pockets while taking ours. 
But that’s not all! The report also details how they plan on “indoctrinating” children in the schools to accomplish the sustainable development agenda for the next generation:  
“An important distinction is the difference between education about sustainable development and education for sustainable development. The first is an awareness lesson or theoretical discussion. The second is the use of education as a tool to achieve sustainability. In our opinion, more than a theoretical discussion is needed at this critical juncture in time. While some people argue that “for” indicates indoctrination, we think “for” indicates a purpose. (pg. 9
In other words instead of calling it what it truly is, indoctrination, lets put it under a new label and call it “purpose” because just educating people about isn’t good enough, they have to force it! 
The report further details how the role of women is essential and they need their participation in order to accomplish more depopulation: 
“The full participation of women is essential to achieve sustainable development….an educated woman tends to desire a smaller family size and seek the health care necessary to do so. She has fewer and healthier children.” (pg.11-13
While I’m all for women being educated, you should not do this under the banner of attacking traditional values or forcing it on a population. There is nothing wrong with a stay-at-home parent, which is exactly what they are attacking in this section of the report. 
Please understand the agenda here, they want to indoctrinate your youth and the world and make them into poor lower-class sustainable development zombies—which includes depopulation, the homosexuality agenda, abortion, socialism, freedom loss, bondage and tyranny. 
In the video below I detail all of the above and a HECK of a lot more! If you’ve never seen a video of mine, this is the one to watch! As it is one of the MOST important I’ve done to date!  

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For More Information See: 
UN Decade of Education For Sustainable Development (pdf)