Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Smart Meter and Murder

Smart Meter Data At Center Of Arkansas Murder Case

smart meter on wall
When Obama unleashed Smart Grid in 2009 via stimulus funding to utilities, it was evident that it was meant for comprehensive surveillance within homes and businesses. Control over energy and people is key to the implementation of Technocracy.  TN Editor
The original author of this article that formerly appeared in this spot, Joshua Hart of, wrote to Technocracy.News as follows,
“You might as well just pull the whole article down from your site, since it’s meaningless as currently written.  Also, we’d prefer not to be associated with the carbon imperialist views expressed on your site.
“We actually value life and diversity on this planet and don’t think the US or anyone else has the right to deny a stable atmosphere to others who make the planet their home.”
So, we gladly pulled it.
This marks the first time in TN’s history to be labeled as ‘carbon imperialists’. Neither have we ever suggested that planetary citizens have no right to a stable atmosphere. Apparently, is attracted to a carbon-free world and Sustainable Development, as proposed by the United Nations.
By contrast, Technocracy.News is steadfastly opposed to Technocracy, which is the essence of Sustainable Development, Green Economy and Natural Capitalism, etc. As such, we are also highly critical of global warming and alarmist claims that are being used to promote Technocracy throughout the world, under the auspices of the UN.
One of the major initiatives of Technocracy is the implementation of the global Smart Grid in order to gain control over energy distribution and consumption. This editor has written extensively about Smart Grid and Technocracy.News has posted these and many other relevant articles.