Saturday, August 29, 2020

Corona virus Is Not the First Mass Killing by Dr. Fauci

Coronavirus Is Not the First Mass Killing by Dr. Fauci — How Many Tens of Thousands of Americans Must Die Before Dr. Fauci Loses His Job? 

The liberal mainstream media can’t hide this truth from the public forever.
The latest international reporting  for hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus patients shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug.
This means that Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the liberal fake news media and the tech giants have been pushing a lie that has had deadly consequences!
America has lost (reportedly) over 180,000 lives.
That could have been lowered by possibly half if HCQ use would have been promoted in the US!

We are talking over 90,000 American lives could have been saved!

Read more 

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Alessandro Machi said...

There apparently has been ONE clinical trial done with early Stage COVID-19 patients and Hydroxy. However, Zinc was not part of the study. That clinical trial reported no benefit.

So, we are still left wondering if Hydroxy and Zinc in early stage COVID-19 patents might be a life saver.

Subterranean Homesick News said...

A cure for COVID does not fit the narrative, or should I say the plan for mass vaccinations. There is no money in a cure. There are many studies on Hydoxy that show favorable results.
Remember the Doctors White Coat Summit in DC. They spoke at the risk of loosing their jobs that Hydroxychloroquine cured patients. See link
I also direct you to the following:
CDC Quietly Edit Death Tolls
The COVID crisis is a hoax, but do not worry Bill Gates has promised us a far worse "pandemic" or should I call it a Plandemic.