Sunday, August 30, 2020


HEROES Act: Democrats' Wasteful Bailout

August 28, 2020
HEROES Act: Democrats' Wasteful Bailout
Scott Applewhite)
Taxpayers of America, you may soon be funding a $500 billion bailout of the 50 states, all U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia. But where is this vast sum of money going?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “HEROES Act” -- more accurately titled “Pelosi Throw-Money-at-the-States Bailout Bill” -- vividly illustrates why transparency is crucial. If the Senate passes the legislation, taxpaying citizens of financially responsible states will bear the burden of financially irresponsible states.
At OpenTheBooks, our goal is transparency. We are nonpartisan. We believe you, the American taxpayer, should be able to access every government expense -- local, state, and federal -- in real-time on your mobile phone, iPad, and computer. It’s your money. You deserve to see where every dime is spent. We have posted 5 billion government expenditures online.
Last year, we filed 41,500 Freedom of Information Act requests. We documented the salaries and pensions of 23 million public employee. We sued three states that refused to give us information about how they spent your money.
Here are a few of the unlimited examples in just four “deep blue” Democratic areas -- California, New York, and Illinois, along with Washington, D.C. Here you can see how your tax dollars are wasted, which the Pelosi Bailout Bill conveniently overlooks, and why blank checks are unwise even during an economic crisis.

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