Tuesday, September 1, 2020

New Jersey Is Becoming The Most Hated State

New Jersey Is Becoming The Most Hated State As Households Flee In Record Numbers

A new tax on millionaires, a 22.5% gas tax hike  (bringing the total increase to 250% in 4 years), and now a tax on high frequency trades: it is becoming obvious to most - except perhaps the state's democratic leadership - that New Jersey is now actively trying to drive out its tax-paying population and top businesses with a series of draconian measures to balance its deeply underwater budget, instead of slashing spending. The state-imposed limitations on commerce, mobility and socialization due to the covid pandemic have also not helped. And in case it is still unclear, the trend of New Jersey's ultra wealthy residents fleeing for more hospitable tax domiciles which started with David Tepper years ago, is now spreading to members of the middle class.
According to the latest data from United Van Lines and compiled by Bloomberg, people have been flooding into Vermont, Idaho, Oregon and South Carolina, eager to flee such financially-challenged, high-tax, protest-swept, Democrat-controlled states as Connecticut, Illinois and New York. But no other state has seen a greater exodus than New Jersey, where out of every 10 moves, 7 have been households leaving the state, or nearly three times as many moved out than moved in.

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Blogger's note:  We have a Goldman Sachs charlatan as Governor.  At Goldman Sachs you do not get anywhere with morality, ethics, or empathy, and Murphy qualified quite well.   He is the MOST insincere man that I have witnesses a governor of this state.  He is a destroyer, and not a builder.  He will run the State into the red, and sell off the assets of the State for pennies on the dollar.
What do Murphy and a bag of Manure have in common.  They are both filled with bull shit.

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