Tuesday, September 15, 2020

New Lock Down Coming?

Brace Yourselves: MSM Reports Coronavirus Cases Are Up in 11 States

Mac Slavo
September 14th, 2020
Comments (2)

It’s coming: the second lockdown appears all but imminent. The mainstream media is now reporting that the coronavirus cases are on the rise. Brace yourself for another lockdown.

COVID-19 cases were growing by 5% or more, based on a weekly average to smooth out daily reporting, in 11 states as of Sunday, according to a CNBC analysis of data collected by Johns Hopkins University, an increase from eight states on Friday.

While cases are growing in 11 states, the overall daily average of new cases in the U.S. is declining. Over the past seven days, the country has reported an average of about 34,300 new cases per day, down more than 15% compared with a week ago, according to a CNBC analysis of Hopkins data. That’s far lower than the roughly 70,000 new cases a day the U.S. was reporting weeks ago. So that means they’ll open up more, right? Doubtful. If the statistics don’t fit the aenda, they will be made to fit the agenda.

It won’t be long before the “experts” start to see a rise in cases all over the country and in all states. It will not take much more than what’s already been reported to worsen to the point of another lockdown.  Please take the time to prepare for what’s coming. Based in what’s being broadcasted now, that there could very well be another harsh lockdown and soon.

Things that I, personally have noticed are in short supply are seeds and canning jars. If you can find either, I suggest grabbing them. If you have doubts about what else is planned for us, take note:

Even if a vaccine is approved to be distributed before the end of the year, it will likely be in short supply. The vaccine will likely require two doses at varying intervals, and states still face logistical challenges such as setting up distribution sites and acquiring enough needles, syringes and bottles needed for immunizations.

For now, leaders can stop new outbreaks by practicing the “basics” of public health and disease control, medical experts and officials say. –CNBC

If we translate that last sentence, CNBC is saying that tyrants in government should forcibly remove basic human rights until we can all be forcibly vaccinated.

Scrolling through the news today was not comforting. It’s time to make sure your preps are in order. Time is running out. Stay safe, and hopefully, you can stay alert and be fearless in the face of this New World Order attempted takeover.

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