Thursday, September 24, 2020

“The Pandemic Is A Test Run” For Your Enslavement

James Corbett: “The Pandemic Is A Test Run” For Your Enslavement

Mac Slavo
September 23rd, 2020

The globalist agenda to enslave humanity continues to go forward and James Corbett is calling the scamdemic hoax what it is: manipulation to “crackdown” on people for totalitarian control of everyone on Earth.

If there is one thing we should all keep in mind, it is this:

The death cult that wants to suppress humanity has issued their warning: the lockdown of the world in the name of the global scamdemic is not the end of this madness. It is only the beginning.James Corbett, YouTube


Corbett goes deep into the issue of the scams rolling out, as he dissects the latest attempt to leverage the climate scam on the back of the COVID-19 scam, and how both of these distractions are being used to indoctrinate the public into the death cult.

“This is not just happenstance. This is part of an agenda,” says Corbett of the coronavirus scam. “It is the continuity of an agenda.” They want you to “give up all your rights.”

“There is a death cult that right now is trying it’s best to suppress the human population and to twist the technologies that could be used to achieve such incredible and amazing things, for us as individuals using those technologies instead to limit us, to suppress us, to surveil, control, track, database and otherwise regulate our every move, our every transaction, interaction, on a daily basis. Everything you do controlled for the rest of your life. That is the sentiment that is being pumped through these purveyors of mainstream accepted ‘science is settled’ opinion.  And it is up to us to not just say ‘no’, but ‘HELL NO!’ –James Corbett, YouTube

The term “brace yourself” seems inadequate at this point. All governments are in on this scam. Anyone who seeks power over others is going to abuse it, as history has repeatedly shown.  When will humans wake up and stop allowing others to rule them?

It seems like this is all a last chance to get humans to subjugate themselves to the New World Order. Many continue to wake up, but until more do, we can expect things to get even darker on this planet. It is a death cult, Corbett says.

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