Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Truth About Hunter Biden’s China Entanglements

The Truth About Hunter Biden’s China Entanglements Is Even More Sinister Than Previously Thought

September 29, 2020 (23h ago)


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A report revealing that Hunter Biden  received a 3.5 million dollar wire transfer from a politically connected Russian billionaire has managed to overshadow his extensively documented financial entanglements with China. Revolver News has obtained access to a carefully researched report offering important and disturbing information about Hunter’s business dealings and relationships in China, and we believe that these deserve renewed focus, particularly in light of a potentially compromising situation that has come to our attention.

The report is the result of months of work by a group called “Typhoon Investigations,” which styles itself as an “activist research firm protecting companies from foreign influence and threats.” While Revolver News cannot confirm the accuracy of every item in the report, we have been in contact with individuals involved in the creation of the report and can confirm the subject matter expertise. We note that much of the information represented in the report can be publicly verified.

The major findings of the report suggest that the sole reason the Hunter Biden would have been allowed a stake in the Chinese state backed private equity firm BHR is for the purpose of political influence via his father:

There is no apparent reason for HUNTER’s participation in the BHR partnership other than political payoff and influence. Virtually all financial investors or partners are state policy entities, state owned entities, or only nominally private. The investments flow primarily to Chinese state backed projects or firms. The financial terms, where we have been able to locate specific deal terms, engage in non-normal business practices designed to funnel fees and assets to benefit a specific party.

There is clear intent by Chinese state officials acting to influence US individuals either in official positions or with close relationships to them. This facilitated use of Chinese state offices and officials to meet HUNTER and arrange for public money via the social security, local state-owned enterprises, and policy bank to fund the investment partnership. Though the investment partnership was not official until late 2013, the key relationships and visits with companies and individuals who would become investors and partners began significantly earlier.

China invests large amounts of financial and political capital in influencing foreign individuals and institutions. Given the personal connection with senior individuals within the Chinese government, there is absolutely no chance this investment partnership was undertaken as a normal market transaction or that political influence by Chinese was ignored. Notably, key individuals have strong links to Chinese influence organizations.

BHR is a state managed operation. Leading shareholder Bohai is a Bank of China subsidiary, and BHR’s partners are Chinese State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) that funnel revenue/assets to BHR. [Typhoon]

The report also draws attention to the specific role of Taiwanese national Michael Lin in facilitating Hunter’s involvement in the BHR private equity firm. The report documents the relationship between Lin and Hunter, and suggests that Lin is likely a Chinese asset. Revolver spoke with individuals familiar with Lin’s activities who have reaffirmed the report’s suggestion that Lin is a Chinese asset. One source familiar with the report told Revolver that two separate intelligence agencies (one US and one non US) have confirmed Lin is “on their radar” regarding his activities in China. 

Michael Lin brokered the BHR partnership and partners with MOFA foreign influence organizations.

LIN is a POI for his work on behalf of China, as confirmed by SOURCE B and SOURCE C (at two separate national intelligence agencies). [Typhoon]

Lastly, the report makes the case that Yang Jiechi, current head of CCP foreign affairs division, oversaw and signed off on Hunter’s business dealings, particularly pertaining to the BHR state owned private equity firm in which, according to the report, Hunter continues to hold a 10 percent stake worth approximately 50 million USD. If true, this is particularly disturbing, as Yang Jiechi remains in a high level post in China as head of CCP foreign affairs. Yang may have some degree of leverage over a future President Biden due to his extensive history with the Bidens and especially his knowledge and approval of Hunter’s business dealings.

Joe Biden’s compromising partnership with the Communist Party of China runs via Yang Jiechi (CPC’s Central Foreign Affairs Commission). YANG met with BIDEN during his tenure at the Chinese embassy in Washington.

Hunter Biden’s 2013 Bohai Harvest Rosemont investment partnership was set-up by Ministry of Foreign Affairs institutions designed to garner influence with foreign leaders during YANG’s tenure as Foreign Minister. [Typhoon]

Revolver wanted to bring this report to the attention of the broader public in time for this evening’s debate. We will continue to look through the report and relay the findings in follow-up pieces as appropriate, and we are in regular contact with those involved in its production. In short, this report at the very least justifies renewed scrutiny of Hunter’s shady business dealings in China and the potential conflicts of interest arising therein, particularly should his father become President. The findings in this report therefore largely vindicate the focus of President Trump’s earlier remarks regarding Hunter’s business dealings.

Readers can access the full pdf version of the Typhoon Investigations report about Hunter’s Chinese entanglement at the following link: ProjectTimePDF

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