Friday, March 18, 2022

Dumbshit Russians?


Dumbshit Russians?

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Dumbshit Russians?

Paul Craig Roberts

As readers know, I refer often to “dumbshit Americans.”  I am beginning to wonder if the same applies to Russians.  

As for dumbshit Americans, the evidence is never ending. We now have a Pew Research poll of Americans, if it is accurate, that finds that 36% of American Republicans and 35% of American Democrats support American military intervention against Russia in Ukraine “even if it risks a nuclear conflict with Russia.”  The Poll finds that half of the US population thinks that Russia’s concern with her national security is a “major threat” to US interests. 

It blows my mind that more than one-third of the US population are willing to endure nuclear armageddon for  the utterly corrupt, nazi-dominated Washington puppet state of Ukraine. Americans have no interest whatsoever in Ukraine, and Ukrainians are an insignificant percentage of the US population.  The dumbshit Americans who are willing to go to nuclear war for Ukraine are the dumbshits who sit in front of CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, listen to NPR, read the NY Times and Washington Post.  These are people who are brainwashed and live in a false reality created for them by official narratives that serve only the narrow interests of the ruling elite. Most of the dumbshits wouldn’t die for their spouse, parents, or children.  But they are so programmed by the whore media that they are willing to die so Ukraine can shell Donbass Russians in their villages and cities.  Really, this is stupidity beyond imagination.

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