Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Some Short Guy Was Posing as Biden Last Night (Video)

Some Short Guy Was Posing as Biden Last Night (Video)

by N.Morgan

This is one of those things you really have to see to believe. As we know, we are living in the world of Bread and Circuses and the State of the Union last night was one of the biggest shows on Earth.

How Tall Is Joe Biden?

All Internet reports indicate Joe Biden stands at 6 feet even, and a full 3 inches shorter than President Donald Trump who stands at 6 feet, 3 inches.

But check out the images from the State of the Union, where Joe Biden keeps looking up at the people he meets because they are looking down at him.

They are ALL taller than Joe Biden.

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Blogger's note:  Joe's right ear lobe does not attach to his face as this guy's does.  The real Joe did not win the election as we had a silent coup, and the destruction of the US continues, but Russia is not doing it Biden's handlers are.

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