Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Biden’s Lawless Border of Horrors: Pregnant 12-year-olds, Drowned Babies, ‘Rape Trees,’ Organ Harvesting…

Biden’s Lawless Border of Horrors: Pregnant 12-year-olds, Drowned Babies, ‘Rape Trees,’ Organ Harvesting…

Chanel Rion, OAN Chief White House Correspondent
UPDATED 7:09 AM PT – Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Republican women toured the southern border guided by Winning for Women and POLARIS National Security – exposed to shocking realities media and politicians lack the stomach to face.

24 hours after White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted migrants were NOT “walking across the border” a group of Republican women candidates from across the country and Republican Congresswoman Mayra Flores were given a border tour in McAllen, Texas directly contradicting the White House’s narrative. Not only did the day long tour show firsthand the sheer numbers of illegal migrants crossing into the US in broad daylight, every hour, every day but since President Biden has taken office and reversed Trump era immigration policies, nearly 3 million people have crossed our borders illegally through the US southern border.

The all day Republican women tour, hosted by Winning for Women founder Annie Dickerson and POLARIS National Security founder and former State Department Spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus, started with a panel discussion on a private ranch just steps from the Rio Grande river dividing Texas from Reynosa, Mexico in what is known as Sector 9.

Sector 9 is the busiest Human Trafficking corridor in the United States. An estimated 2,000-6,000 illegal aliens cross from Mexico into the US every week in this sector alone. At least 2% of these weekly numbers consist of violent and dangerous criminals.

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