Wednesday, August 31, 2022

US artillery stockpiles ‘uncomfortably low’ after Ukraine aid – WSJ

US artillery stockpiles ‘uncomfortably low’ after Ukraine aid – WSJ

The Pentagon is conducting a review to determine how to meet its own supply needs while still arming Ukraine
US artillery stockpiles ‘uncomfortably low’ after Ukraine aid – WSJ

The US military is running low on some types of ammunition after the White House approved and delivered billions of dollars in “lethal aid” for Ukraine since February, several military officials told the Wall Street Journal on condition of anonymity.

In addition to thousands of guns, drones, missiles, artillery platforms and rocket launchers, Washington has supplied Kiev with large amounts of ammo, including up to 806,000 155mm howitzer rounds. The stocks of the latter munitions are running “uncomfortably low,” an unnamed Pentagon official told the Journal.

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