Saturday, August 27, 2022

WEF Advisor Says Humanity Will Wear ‘Biometric Sensors’

WEF Advisor Says Humanity Will Wear ‘Biometric Sensors’ Tracked By Big Tech and Government

Fact checked

A top advisor to the World Economic Forum says that humans will soon wear “biometric sensors” so that their every move and bodily function can be “constantly monitored” by government and Big Tech.

The comments are just the latest from Yuval Noah Harari to raise serious concerns. Earlier this month, the Israeli WEF advisor publicly proclaimed that the global elite “don’t need the vast majority of the population”, mocking humanity as unintelligent and worthless. On another occasion, Harari pondered how to keep “useless people” occupied after they are replaced by AI, suggesting they could be kept in a state of permanent sedation on a diet of drugs and video games.

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