Sunday, September 4, 2022

Confidential Pfizer COVID Vaccine Documents state ‘Shedding’ is possible

Confidential Pfizer COVID Vaccine Documents state ‘Shedding’ is possible via ‘Skin-to-Skin Contact’ & ‘Breathing the same Air’ and can cause ‘Menstrual Cycle Disruption’ & ‘Miscarriage’

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Hundreds if not thousands of women have reported that they have suffered irregular bleeding/clotting after receiving one of the mRNA Covid vaccines. Sadly thousands of others have also now reported the loss of their unborn/newborn child.

However, there also now exist hundreds of testimonies made by women who are claiming that they have lost their baby or suffered irregular bleeding/clotting after being in the company of others who have received one of the mRNA Covid vaccines.

Sounds unbelievable, doesn’t it? Well unfortunately a Pfizer document confirms that these farfetched reports are perfectly possible.

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