Thursday, September 1, 2022

Steve Bannon: Jared Kushner Is Transhumanist, Rushed ‘Experimental Gene Therapy/Vaccine’ In Bid For Immortality

Steve Bannon: Jared Kushner Is Transhumanist, Rushed ‘Experimental Gene Therapy/Vaccine’ In Bid For Immortality

Wikimedia Commons, Lori Berkowitz Photography
Jared Kushner clearly identifies himself as a Transhumanist who seeks immortality through science, and it is now clear why he should get the major credit for railroading Operation Warp Speed in a quest to accelerate H+, or Humans 2.0. Transhumanism is the most dangerous religion the world has ever known.

My upcoming book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, will connect all the dots on the war against humanity. ⁃ TN Editor

Former Trump White House adviser and campaign manager tore into his one-time West Wing colleague Jared Kushner on Friday after Kushner said he believed he might “live forever.”

Kushner made the odd comments, which sparked a slew of media headlines in a conversation with former Trump official Richard Grenell. Kushner said:

From the last year, the one thing I’ve tried to put a priority on since I left the White House was, you know, getting some exercise in. I think that there is a good probability that my generation is, hopefully with the advances in science, either the first generation to live forever, or the last generation that’s going to die. So, we need to keep ourselves in pretty good shape.

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