Tuesday, September 13, 2022

These Maps and Videos Show How Ukraine’s ‘Blitzkrieg’ Offensive Shocked Russia

These Maps and Videos Show How Ukraine’s ‘Blitzkrieg’ Offensive Shocked Russia

Ukraine Russia 

In one week in September, Ukrainian forces liberated 1,100 square miles in Northeastern Ukraine. This is more than Russia’s military managed to seize in months of costly attritional warfare in the Donbas region. Further withdrawals announced by Russia’s Defense Ministry may result in over 3,200 square miles falling back under Ukrainian control.

Lurking in the shadow of Ukraine’s heavily advertised counteroffensive in Kherson, the Kharkiv campaign took Russian forces by surprise. It became a textbook example of a fast-paced breakthrough and exploitation operation – the very sort of campaign Russian armored units mostly failed to achieve at the beginning of the war.

In this article, we’ll look at how Ukraine’s outgunned forces achieved this stunning, little-anticipated victory.

1—Shaping the Battlefield

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