Monday, September 12, 2022

UPDATED 10:15 PM EDT -- Russia Launches MASSIVE Missile Barrage - Hitting POWER PLANTS for first time

UPDATED 10:15 PM EDT -- Russia Launches MASSIVE Missile Barrage - Hitting POWER PLANTS for first time

UPDATED 10:15 PM EDT -- Russia Launches MASSIVE Missile Barrage - Hitting POWER PLANTS for first time

2:04 PM EDT Sunday, September 11, 2022 -- Within the past three hours, Russia has launched (and continues to launch) a massive barrage of cruise missiles against Ukraine. For the first time, they are hitting Electric Generating Stations.  Blackouts are now reported in many areas of Ukraine.

Sources inside the war zone caught video of Russian naval vessels, surface and submarine, launching "Kalibr" cruise missiles in almost every direction!

Updates coming within minutes . . .  check back

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