Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Beto Blames Guns for TX Church Shooting

Beto Blames Guns for TX Church Shooting – Ignores Armed Hero Who Killed Shooter

Failed presidential contender wastes no time in promoting gun control agenda

| - December 30, 2019

Failed Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke was lambasted on social media Sunday after he blamed lax gun laws for a shooting at a Texas church, despite the fact the shooter was stopped by a gun-wielding worshipper.
The Sunday incident was captured on YouTube livestream, and shows the deranged gunman, Keith Thomas Kinnunen, 43, confronting parishioners before pulling out a gun and opening fire, killing two people.

Footage shows Kinnunen’s rampage was brought to an abrupt end by a church security officer named Jack Wilson, who killed the gunman with one shot.

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Blogger's note:  This man constantly runs for ASSHOLE of the YEAR award, and he is well ahead of the rest.  Hey, Robert why do we simply outlaw killing?  Oh, I forgot that it is already outlawed, but criminals and deranged minds like yours do not follow the law.  Yeah, outlawing  drugs works doesn't it.

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