Saturday, December 28, 2019

Delhi's Deep Freeze

A man walks on a frost-covered railway track on a cold winter morning on the outskirts of Srinagar, December 27, 2019

Delhi's Deep Freeze: Indian Capital Dealing With Bone-Chilling Temps, Netizens Vent on Twitter

© REUTERS / Danish Ismail
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New Delhi (Sputnik): Coloured in the festive glitter of Christmas, the zest of ringing in 2020 is what is keeping India’s capital New Delhi going during a blast of extreme cold weather in the region.
On Saturday, the foggy national capital recorded its coldest day of this winter season as the temperature dropped to a bone-chilling 2.4 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature is forecasted to be 13 degrees Celsius.
While some people layered their insulators and covered their ears as they left for work quivering in the cold, gloomy morning, luckier ones woke up warm in their blankets and took to social media to share their experience of the early day.
Pictures, videos, and memes about the freezing temperatures in Delhi have taken over Twitter in India today. So much so that, #DelhiWeather is trending on the microblogging platform.

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