Friday, December 27, 2019

India 'will conduct some action' in Pakistani-held part of Kashmir

India 'will conduct some action' in Pakistani-held part of Kashmir to get spotlight off citizenship law protests – Imran Khan

27 Dec, 2019 09:19 / Updated 2 hours ago

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan warned that his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi, wants to shift global attention away from ongoing protests against the citizenship law by conducting an operation in Pakistani-held territory.
"I have been telling the world for the past five months that Modi-RSS government, in order to divert the world attention away from Kashmir and the protests against the [citizenship] laws, will definitely conduct some sort of action in Azad Kashmir," Khan told the crowd in the Punjab Province on Thursday, according to local media reports, referring to the part of disputed Kashmir controlled by Pakistan.
Khan did not elaborate on what kind of “action” India may undertake in Pakistani-held areas of Kashmir. Cross-border shelling occurred along the Line of Control (LoC) on Wednesday, claiming victims on both sides. India and Pakistan accused each other of firing the first shot.

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