Monday, December 30, 2019

White Settlement Texas Shooting

FULL GRAPHIC VIDEO!! White Settlement Texas Shooting!! Armed Good Guys Take Out Bad Guy!

Hi Bob
Mainstream media will want to bury the White Settlement Texas Church of Christ shooting ASAP because it doesn't fit their narrative. 
First, it was a white church (and who cares about white people, right?...we're just a bunch of "privileged bastards." according to the Liberals)
Second, you can't have the sheep thinking that good guys with guns REALLY DO stop bad guys with guns. They gotta keep people helpless and in fear. The Elites want a disarmed population who gets on their knees for government and beg "please save us, daddy Government, from all evil." Empower yourself people!! the most powerful person in the room....ANY room at ANY time! It's better to have a firearm and not need it than to need it and not have it.
Here's the link to the full video on my Bitchute channel...please share this...people need to see how empowered people deal with evil when it rises!

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