Sunday, April 19, 2020


WHITE HOUSE DOWN! A Coup and Counter Coup Is Raging Across An Unaware America

America has fallen. It has taken just over a century to put America on her knees, however, your life and liberties will never be the same. There are several key dates that Americans can point to in terms of pinpointing when America began to crumble. The pace of the destruction of America has increased with great rapidity since Obama became president. This country has been defeated and here a sequential look at the events that led up to our present level of subjugation.
An unmistakable coup has hit the White House. As I have pointed out on many occasions, the President has essentially been neutered. We have seen Trump try and strike back such as when he defunded the World Health Organization. However, there is an unmitigated coup in place and the defeat of America is being engineered by Big Pharma.
Below are the dates as to when it started to go wrong for America. If any republic form or government, complete with civil liberties, ever forms again on the planet, let this serve as an example as to how a nation with supposedly an irrevocable set of civil liberties, ordained by God, and a government in which no concentration of power permits satanically inspired tyranny to ever gain a foothold. The lesson learned from the demise of the United States is that any future republic learns the lesson of Ben Franklin: When a nation trades liberties for security, they will get, no deserve neither!" America has reaping the harsh reality of making deals with the Devil and not keeping Jesus, front and center, in all that we do.

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