Tuesday, August 25, 2020

‘Burn baby, burn!’

‘Burn baby, burn!’: WATCH Portland protesters cheer after police precinct set ablaze on 88th night of rioting

‘Burn baby, burn!’: WATCH Portland protesters cheer after police precinct set ablaze on 88th night of rioting
Activists in Portland attempted to torch a police station and adjacent buildings in yet another night of chaotic unrest. The gathering was declared a riot following clashes with officers, resulting in some two dozen arrests.
A crowd of more than 200 people marched on the Portland Police Bureau’s (PPB) North Precinct on Sunday night, most clad in “armor, helmets, gas masks, all-black clothing” and carrying shields, police say. While officers kept a distance for the first portion of the protest, they responded with force after “individuals began throwing chunks of ceramic, rocks, and glass bottles in the direction of the officers,” and set fire to an awning of a building abutting the precinct.
“As officers were preparing to move the crowd, someone lit a canopy against the building on fire. The fire began to burn to the siding of the building, so officers on the roof got a fire extinguisher to try and put it out,” the PPB said in a statement, adding “As they were putting out the fire, multiple people pelted the officers with rocks.”
Protesters could be heard celebrating as officers worked to put out the fire in footage that circulated on social media, one cheering “burn baby, burn!”

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