Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Clinton Body Count

9 Out Of 12 People Who Saw Anthony Weiner's Laptop Are Dead

(Chaz Anon) There were a total of 12 individuals who saw Anthony Weiner’s Laptop computer, 9 of those 12 people are dead now. Hmm, now that is a strange coincidence.
Anthony Weiner is alive. Weiner shared the laptop with his estranged wife, Huma Abedin, a close aide to Hillary Clinton since 2000. She has managed to stay alive as well.
Mysterious deaths seem to be a common aspect in the Washington D.C. circle of VIP’s. NYPD is not even immune from persecution.
Of course, the “Powers That Be,” never expect anyone to put the pieces of the puzzle together, when they do, those people commit suicide, or have tragic accidents.
Two state senators murdered in their own homes? It doesn’t stop there.
The NYPD inadvertently discovered the laptop while conducting an investigation into allegations that Anthony Weiner was “sexting” a minor, who reportedly resides in another state.

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