Sunday, August 9, 2020

Cowards of Portland Assault An Elderly Woman

VIDEO: Elderly Woman Assaulted, Doused in Paint Then Confronted by Portland Rioters

Sickening video circulating social media as Portland violence continues

National File - August 8, 2020

VIDEO: Elderly Woman Assaulted, Doused in Paint Then Confronted by Portland Rioters 

A sickening video is currently circulating social media showing an elderly woman be doused in paint as she reportedly attempted to dissuade protesters from damaging property.
In the video, the woman is covered in white paint as one protester appears to cover her in police tape before giving her the finger.
The protester then squares up to the elderly lady before aggressively screaming in her face. Other revelers chant “put your mask on” to the humiliated lady as she is encircled by protesters.
Portland Police picked up on the incident tweeting: “This unknown woman using a walker was confronted by the group currently outside East Precinct and paint was strewn all over her.”

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