Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Democrats’ ‘War Game’ for Election

Democrats’ ‘War Game’ for Election Includes West Coast Secession, Possible Civil War

NYT reporter reveals bombshell discovery

Joel B. Pollak | Breitbart - August 10, 2020

Democrats are contemplating secession and potential civil war as they game out possible scenarios for a closely contested election, according to a report by Ben Smith in a New York Times column Sunday.
The bulk of Smith’s column is devoted to the question of how the media will handle Election Night coverage, given that the result may not be known for weeks. Vote-by-mail, which many states have only recently adopted — ostensibly, to prevent the spread of coronavirus in polling places — could lead to an uncertain result.
However, buried near the end of Smith’s column is a report that Democrats have participated in a “war game” in which they considered several possible outcomes of the election.

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