Is the UN Preparing for the “Second Covid Lockdown”? Oppressive Measures Worldwide, Obedience and Acceptance…
Globalized fearmongering. It fits an agenda, a huge sinister agenda
Driven by WHO, the Geneva UN Medical Directors (UNMD) group has
just issued a CONSENSUS STATEMENT for UN staff in Geneva that is
essentially warning UN staff of stricter measures to be taken, such as
mask wearing in the office when 2-meter distances could not be
respected, as well as increased working from home again, when as
recently as in June these conditions were relaxed. Working from home
means separating colleagues from each other, connecting them by Zoom,
but NO HUMAN CONTACT. That’s the name of the game.
The UNMD refers to the Canton of Geneva’s new regulations, based on
Switzerland’s claim of a steady increase in Covid-19 “infections”. Since
the beginning of July new “cases” have surpassed 100 a day and reached
even way beyond 200 at the end of July and above 250 in mid-August. The
testing positive has allegedly steadily increased and often by close to
10% per day. Now, surprisingly – they say – 40% of the “cases” concern
people between 20 and 40 years of age. But who checks? – Is it a mandate
by WHO to diversify the statistics, so as to better justify universal
vaccination and another total lockdown?
know by now that nothing of this, masks, “cases / infections”,
quarantine, lockdown, vaccination, or any other repressive measure have
anything to do with covid. They are means and instruments for the New
World Order (NWO) to “train” the population for total obedience and
control by the invisible super power, or deep dark state. WHO plays a
key role in this nefarious plans, as it still is regarded by most people
and governments as an authority, as far as world health is concerned
which sadly, it has ceased to be decades ago.
Canton of Geneva, where, incidentally, WHO and the UN are located, is
the “worst” Canton of Switzerland, counting for about a third of all
“infections”. So, say the Swiss authorities. A spokesperson of the Swiss
Ministry of Health remarked, “if Geneva were a separate country,
anybody coming from Geneva to the rest of Switzerland would have to go
into quarantine.”
How scary!
That’s the level of fearmongering going on
– justifying obliging face masks in public places and shops and closed
areas. Never mind that there is a strong protest of small shop keepers
and retail corporations, since they are losing rapidly customers. People
do not want to shop with masks. They also find it useless. So, they
migrate to online shopping, much of it abroad. Retail losses are
estimated at least at 30%. There is already talk of forcing a masquerade
also in the streets. Likewise, new emphasis is put on ‘social
distancing’. People are to be trained and reminded at every corner to
stay away from each other. A masquerade with people walking – in lockstep – or standing two meters apart.
a Martian would see the human race, no backbone, no self-esteem, just
following orders for what most serious scientists consider human
history’s worst hoax – he or she, the Martian, would think “the human
race has gone mad, let them lockstepping themselves into oblivion. Let’s the hell get out of this lovely blue but crazy planet.”
the population zombies along because the authorities order them to do
so, under threat of fines – against all common sense. But zombies have
been deprived of any common sense to resist in masses. Such restrictions
and more are now in place until at least 1 October 2020. That’s about
the beginning of the 2020 / 2021 flu season which will be conveniently
mixed up with covid-19 – and justifies another lockdown – not to forget –
with mass vaccination, for covid and flu. Quarantine, livelihood
destruction – an economic skyfall into more poverty, more misery, more
deprivation, more famine – more death. Not covid- death, but
socioeconomic death. That’s exactly what the eugenics fanatics are
dreaming of. A decimation of the world population.
is part and parcel of the party, recommending these steps, if and when
they are told to do so. By the invisible monsters, of course. The UN is
going along. Or, is it the UN who has forced these increasing covid
figures in Geneva, so they may prepare first their staff, then the
population in general – worldwide – for a new lockdown in
October-November? – All is possible.
are in for the long haul; the UN paper suggests. And so do authorities
(sic-sic), not only in Switzerland, but all around the world. Look at
the tyrannical oppressive measures of Melbourne, the Department of
Victoria in Australia; similar in New Zealand; South Africa; Thailand
has hermetically closed all her borders – Germany is preparing for a new
lockdown, though they say the contrary (not withstanding a strong
popular resistance), so is France – and the US, State by sorry State, as
they are battling racial unrest, Woke protests, Black Lives Matter
(BLM) movements, and anti-police riots. All organized and paid for by
the Soroses, Rockefellers, Fords, Gates and more oligarchic
“philanthropic” humanitarian foundations. The mainstream cannot even
keep up anymore with covering the US city chaos.
All this talk, predictions, projections, threats, contradictions, anarchy in the cities – is fabricated on purpose not only to confuse, but also to repress and depress people. Hopelessness is an effective weapon. It’s a weaponized narrative.
“Consensus Statement of the Geneva UN Medical Directors network” starts
by saying – “The recent surge in new cases” – without ever describing
what NEW CASES entail.
New infections? Newly tested positive, but no symptoms? Sick people? Hospitalized people? People who died?
– In fact, the death rate has not gone up whatsoever. Nobody has died
from these “new cases” or “new infections”. But nobody reports on this
important fact.
It sounds dramatic: a case, an infection
— but nobody dares ask the so-called pathetic and corrupted authorities
such crucial questions. Nobody asks for an explanation what these
“increased figures” really mean? – Are they increased as a function of
increased testing? How is testing performed? Does anybody ever ask how
the infamous and controversial polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
tests are performed and analyzed, and the results reported into the
annals of statistics, so as to produce ever more “virus-cases”?
The website “
Virology Down Under” reports a comment of
Professor Martin Haditsch, writing in ProMed-mail:
to my knowledge “infection” is defined as the proof of an infectious
agent AND the proof of multiplication of this agent inside the body (OR
associated inflammatory response that can be linked to this agent).
Therefore, my question is: where was the specimen taken from the
“asymptomatic” nurses? PCR, as we all know, just detects nucleic acids.
So, if multiplication cannot be proven and no local or systemic
inflammatory response is given, how was “contamination” (no matter
whether due to inactivated parts of MERS-CoV or even complete virus
particles) ruled out? This is not a semantic question only but should
impact the reported number of “cases”.
Does the surge in “new cases” coincide with a surge of new tests?
Who makes the tests?
there an independent entity that controls the tests, monitors the
tests, as to who is tested and when and with what frequency tests are
carried out – and the results reported? For example, are people who are
tested several times, also reported several times?
is nothing but a support to the globalized fearmongering. It fits an
agenda, a huge sinister agenda. The compulsory mask wearing is the most
detested measure imposed by the deep dark state – the invisible masters
that are pressuring us into a NWO scheme. They know it. They love it.
They are psychopaths. And mask-wearing is dangerous, dangerous for one’s
health and well-being.
most places in Europe, the new school year just began. Students in many
places are forced to wear masks, where “social distancing” in class
rooms cannot be respected. Many students have been interviewed
throughout Europe – and probably on other Continents too. Their response
is almost unanimous – masks are uncomfortable, concentration is
faltering after about two hours, we are exhausted in the evening and
often have headaches. No wonder, breathing your own CO2 instead of
oxygen cannot be very healthy.
The forced mask-wearing
is an important agenda in the Great Transformation or the Great Reset,
predicted by both the IMF and the WEF (World Economic Forum), to be
officially “rolled out” in Davos, Switzerland in January 2021. It is an
agenda of re-education by rituals. The mask wearing is a ritual on behavioral acceptance. It’s a ritual of initiation towards obedience.
The faster and easier you accept the mask, the faster you are accepted –
accepted in society. Most people want to be accepted. It makes them
comfortable, no matter how much this acceptance is uncomfortable and
based on lies.
Then there are the few who will resist, who don’t care about acceptance.
They fiercely resist. The system of tyranny makes sure they are
socially discriminated and excluded from “society” they are social
no-goes. They are looked at as if they were monsters, spreaders of
disease, discriminated against, excluded. It is the old “divide to
conquer”. Your friend for years has suddenly become your enemy.
Families, groups, clubs, entire societies are divided and made to
despise each other – division along the ‘ritual line’.
how it works for masks. Wait until you see how it works for vaccination
– another ritual being prepared, as we are oblivious to what’s awaiting
us in the next 5 to 10 years. Think Agenda ID2020 and Agenda 2030 –
under the UN disguise of Sustainable Development Goals.
We are not doomed yet. But we have to act fast and decisively and in unison – in solidarity. Let’s reinvent solidarity.
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Peter Koenig is an
economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and
environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World
Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of
environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe
and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; New
Eastern Outlook (NEO); RT; Countercurrents, Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st
Century; Greanville Post; Defend Democracy Press; The Saker Blog, the
and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.
The original source of this article is Global Research
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