Tuesday, August 18, 2020

New York City Is Dead

New York City Is “Dead FOREVER” Says Proud New Yorker

Mac Slavo
August 17th, 2020
Comments (10)
According to James Altucher, a best-selling author and former hedge-fund manager, New York City is “dead forever.” The city cannot possibly come back from its government-induced coma as its residents come to grips with the reality of heavy hand of government when it came to the coronavirus scamdemic.
“I love NYC. When I first moved to NYC, it was a dream come true. Every corner was like a theater production happening right in front of me. So much personality, so many stories,” Altucher wrote in a blog post explaining why his temporary relocation might become more permanent.
The New York Times back in June asked the “agonizing” question: “Is New York City worth it anymore?” amid a mass exodus of an estimated 420,000 residents between March and May when the coronavirus rhetoric that turned into tyranny was really blowing up. In July, there were a record 13,117 vacant apartments across Manhattan, according to a report by Douglas Elliman and Miller Samuel Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants. A year ago, that number was a 5,912. Also, new lease signings fell by about 23%, resulting in a drop in rental prices.
Sadly, New York probably isn’t the only city that will be in a permanent coma because of the Federal Reserves’ insistence upon taking over the world and cramming the New World Order down our throats. San Francisco is struggling as well. The mass exodus from places that took tyrannical overreach to a whole new level can be seen in the chart below:
As it turns out, people may not like being told how to live and what to do by politicians. Even Altucher says that New York won’t bounce back this time. The damage has been done and it’s irreparable.  Will it remain the center of the financial universe? “Not this time.” New York has experienced worse? “Not it hasn’t.”
Keep in mind, it wasn’t a virus that caused the destruction of these cities and the economy. It was the order followers that bowed to government commands to stay fearful and shut down the economy over what’s turned out to be a mild flu.
It Wasn’t The “Virus” That Crashed The Economy, It Was The People Who Obeyed
It finally seems like Americans are waking up to the reality of what’s been done to them.  It took losing it all, but now they are beginning to see that the government puppets, who do the bidding of the Federal Reserve bankers are trying to take over the world and enslave them. We need to come together more than ever right now and reject the last form of slavery: slavery of the mind.
Time To Get Off Your Knees: MSM Warns The U.S. Is Looking At A Second Lockdown
This is a psychological battle for your mind and ultimate control.  Those who can see that already know the solution. Stop acquiescing, and stop believing anyone has the right to own you or lead you.  It’s time to lead ourselves and stop allowing guns to be put tot he heads of the innocent who are just trying to feed their families.
David Icke To LEOs & Military: “Look Your Children In The Eye” & Tell Them YOU Enforced Tyranny

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