Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Soros Warns

Soros Warns: Trump Will ‘Be Held Accountable’ For ‘Violating The Constitution’

‘I am confident that Trump will turn out to be a transitory phenomenon, hopefully ending in November,’ says far-left globalist

| - August 12, 2020

Soros Warns: Trump Will 'Be Held Accountable' For 'Violating The Constitution'

Billionaire globalist George Soros issued a stark warning to President Trump that he will answer for his actions during his time in office.
In a “birthday interview” with Italy’s La Repubblica newspaper on Wednesday, Soros claimed Trump is “fighting for his life” because he knows his enemies will punish him for “undermining democracy.”
“But even in the United States, a confidence trickster like Trump can be elected president and undermine democracy from within,” Soros said.
Soros then said he was “confident” Trump would be removed from office in November, calling him a “transitory phenomenon.”
“But in the U.S. you have a great tradition of checks and balances and established rules,” Soros said. “And above all you have the Constitution. So I am confident that Trump will turn out to be a transitory phenomenon, hopefully ending in November.”
The 90-year-old Hungarian leftist then gaslighted that Trump is “fighting for his life” because he “violated the Constitution”, even though it’s the left who has been constantly attacking free speech, the right to bear arms, and due process.
Trump “remains very dangerous, he’s fighting for his life and he will do anything to stay in power, because he has violated the Constitution in many different ways and if he loses the presidency he will be held accountable,” he added.
As we reported, an election “integrity” group linked to Soros recently war-gamed different presidential election scenarios, telegraphing via The New York Times that Democrats have no intention of accepting a Trump win and will contest the election results, even ordering states like Washington and Oregon to secede from the United States in support of Joe Biden.


Blogger's note:  This is a jew that sent his fellow jews to the death camps run by the Nazis.  Not only that he profited from it.  Why has not the MOSAD done to him what they did to Adolph Eichmann? 

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